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𝙎𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙈𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙝𝙨 𝙇𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧
𝙎𝙚𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙙 𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

You swallowed the lump in your throat.The silence sent nervousness to you as you sat in Mikey's bed in your wedding gown on while he was showering inside the bathroom.Yes, today is your weddings day and now that you and Mikey exited the venue to proceed to your honeymoon, you felt very anxious.

Not because of having your first with him but thinking that what if you screwed up.Its your first isn't it?and as you know first times are kind of nerve cracking. By the time you heard the shower went off, the more nervous you get.You haven't counted how many times you took a deep breath and calmed yourself down.

When Mikey stepped out of the bathroom, topless with only towel covering his lower part, you pretended you're busy gazing around.But deep inside you wanted to scream of how nervous you felt to atleast ease your anxiousness.

Mikey walked towards you and sat down beside you in the bed that both of you are gonna share the night with.You move over a little and it made your husband let out a chuckle of amusement.

“scared?”he asked.

Your head nodded a little.

“I’ll be gentle with you, I promise”he reached for your shoulders and slowly made you look at him.Your hues are still in worry but Mikey gave you a smile.

His free hands grabbed you by your waist and pulled you towards his direction then smashed his lips against yours.A gasp escaped your mouth feeling his soft lips against yours.Mikey sipped, nibbled and kissed you harshly, deep and it made you gave in.You slowly move on your own and savored his lips.

You heard your husband moan when you responded to his kiss.His hands are busy exploring your body and landed on your back to where the zipper of your gown located.A whimper escaped your mouth when you felt him pulling the zipper down and your gown became lose.

He was the one to undress you in a very short time while not leaving your lips alone and before you could even realize you are now have naked.Mikey pulled you on his lap and made you sat on him, not breaking the kiss.

When he did so you're gasping for air.Your cheeks turned very red as he meet you in the eyes.A moan left your mouth when Mike groped your unclothed breast.He did you breast while he brought his mouth to your neck and started leaving wet kisses, love bites and hickeys all over it.

A smirk flashed through his face as he stared at the work he made.His smile had been melting your heart for a very long time.Then he turned his head and kissed you amorously.A slow, sweet and intoxicating kiss that was filled with love and passion for you and only you.You returned the kiss that your husband gave you.

After a few seconds Mikey broke the kiss and gently move his head to your chest.He gently sucked your breast while his other hands travelled down between your thighs.You shuddered and pulled his hair in pleasure.You could also feel that male part of him throbbing against your thighs and it was hitting your cunt firmly.Your breathe hitched and you whispered his name all over again.

He groaned and moved his hands even lower to your inner thighs.His fingers started rubbing your sensitive cunt as you looked down and then immediately threw your head back as his teeth bit your nipples softly.“Manjiro!”you whimpered.

Mikey let go of your nipples, he licked his lips looking at your messed up face.“I want to taste you”he gasped switching the positions.He made you lay on the bed in a blink of an eye and spread your legs for him while he squatted down the edge of the bed.

Your eyes widened as you felt his hot breathe against your sensitive part.It made you raised your upper body up to look at him in your below.Manjiro removed your undies down and started leaving kisses in your thighs.It felt like a torture to you how his lips graceful travelled down and up licking your flesh.

Mikey's lips moved down to your cunt, he stick his tongue out and started licking it.It made you arched your back and let out a lewd whimpering making his maleness get even more huge every second you moan his name in pleasure.Your breathe hitched as you continued to moan his name, what he was doing is making you feel good and you don't want him to stop.

“Man-jiro..”you gripped his hair to push him even more further below you.A yelp left your mouth when Mikey's tongue changed its speed pace.It licked you out faster and you it's driving you crazy.

You felt your lower stomach has something coiling up and as the seconds passed by you released your organs on him without letting him know.Mikey smirked, licking you clean.

“You taste so good”he groaned licking the side of his lips.

You were panting for air heavily.You wanted him so much.“Please..”you said.

Mikey demeanor changed into a serious one, his hands caressed the towel that
was wrapped around his waist and joined you in the bed.Your body reacted when you felt a throbbing thing rubbed against your cunt.Your eyes looked up to Mikey hovering above you.

Mikey parted your legs wider and gently surged his maleness inside you.

You bit your lower lip hard as he across that barrier if innocence inside you.Your nails drugged on his shoulders due to the pain you felt.Mikey stoped for a moment stared at you, concern was on his face.“I’m sorry, my love.But please don't tell me to pull back,”he pleaded.

You forced yourself to smile.“I won't,” you said, your voice became weak and crack as you opened your mouth to speak.

Mikey smiled back at you, he started to thrust his hips gently and in a slow pace.“y/n..”he groaned.“You…felt so..good—”he sucked in his breathe when he started moving his hips back and forth.

He started moving faster when you totally got use on his size and lost his control.Your moans grew louder as you felt the pleasure building inside your in each thrust.Then subconsciously, you started moving along with him, finding the perfect rhythm of you together.Both of you are groaning riotously in the pleasurable dance.

“ahh—yes..manjiro, ”you moaned and bit your lower lip hard at the surge of pleasure inside you.He’s hitting your sweet spot firmly making your eyes rolled back.He was uncontrollable aswell, your mind is spinning and you couldn't take straight as you reached your climax.You screamed with pleasure as you released your organs along with him.The bright lights blinded you for a moment and felt your legs go limp.

A few seconds, Mikey followed you, shouting your name in a raspy voice as he continued to thrust his hips and let his seeds release inside you.

Both of you are panting heavily, bodies still entwined and drenched in sweat.You heard him whispered a love confession to you before you fall asleep. Mikey kissed your neck, then your swollen lips— branding you as his for a life time, another life, eternity and beyond.

 Mikey kissed your neck, then your swollen lips— branding you as his for a life time, another life, eternity and beyond

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Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now