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Second persons POV

November finally comes, the cold breeze of snow is airing through the whole country.Everyone is coated with thick jackets and sweaters because of the cold, the trees and road are covered with snow.Your eyes witnessed again the beautiful peace of art of nature.It’s been so long since you layed your eyes back on a snowy environment.

You were walking down the streets after taking some groceries from a local grocery store when you passed by in the park and saw an ice cream vendor.You started craving for a (favorite ice cream flavor) and even tho it's cold, you still wanted to have one cone.You already bought your first ever phone, thanks to Sonoko, she thought you how to use very well.Sometime’s you got drawn of watching reels on Instagram for your own entertainment or sometimes texting Sonoko with imbeciles stuffs.

You also had Mikey's number on your contacts, it's a miracle how brave you are to save his number when he asked for contact exchange. You're on cloud nine by the time the two of you exchange numbers but never had a text messages conversation. It's been one week since he asked for exchanging contacts. You don't mind but you don't want to make the move of texting him first, you felt embarrassed to do so.

You got a (favorite ice cream flavor) chip cone for yourself, you wanted to have a little rest in a wooden bench of the park when you gradually noticed a box.It was moving.You assumed it was cat or a dog, then you found yourself walking towards the box and suddenly lifted it up.There, you saw a little girl with a blonde short hair.

The girl looked at you, she was startled to see you appeared in front of her.She smacked your hands for you to let go of the box but you didn't, her next moved surprised you.She reached for your hands and bit it, it wasn't even that hard to make you flinched.The little girl was the one who let's go first and whispered “ouch” to her self.She must be around five years old or six.

“Let go of my box! ”she shouted, you let it go and set is aside then you bend down to match the height of the little girl.

“Hi, what are you doing here?”you asked.“I’m waiting for my mom! and get away from me!”her voice was cracked, she sobbed on her knees and she started to cry.

“Where’s your mom?”you narrowed your eyes at the little girl.“Dont look at me..”she hissed.“Are you lost? Where did you mom went?”you continued to ask her.

The little girl shook her head.“No..i’m waiting for my mom since she said to wait here and she will be back.She didn't tell me where she was going, it's been hours but she hasn't come back…did she leave me? didn't she love me?”the girl started sobbing loudly.

You stretched your arms out, you gave a little girl a hug.She was stunned and surprised of the sudden action you made but she didn't move.“I wanna go home..”she mumbled through her cracked voice.You caressed her blond locks, you don't know the child but you can't take to leave her all alone in this kind of surroundings and much even more the weather.“Why don't you come with me? I'll make you some miso soup and then we'll find your mom.” you spoke softly.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now