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Second persons POV
Bonten's Head Quarters

“what’s taking the two of you long huh?”Sanzu marched at the two brothers who just entered the room.Ran had a paper bag on his hands, their fellow executive kokonoi, kakucho and their Leader Manjiro was talking about something on their own.Akashi was smoking with mochi in the couch, not bothered of what's going on around.

Apparently kokonoi had something to tell everyone that's why manjiro called out a meeting this afternoon.The Haitani brothers settled at the couches separate each other.Ran opened the paper bag and took his own coffee out then handed his brothers own coffee cup.

Sanzu snickered.“You bastards bought coffee for yourselves and didn't even bother to grab me some..”

Rindou turned to him.“Dont care about you”he took a sip of his coffee but he immediately spat it out when Haruchiyo slapped his head.Rindou made a fountain of coffee out of his mouth, Ran who was just about to drink his bit his lower lip to prevent himself from laughing but he couldn't control himself.Sanzu smirked, his smirked became wide when rindou turned to him, glaring his purple hues with Haruchiyo’s green ones.

“you..”Rindou growned, he toss his coffee at the table and grabbed sanzu's collar but he failed when sanzu moved away.It added to his irritation even more, he stood up and started chasing the pink haired man.

Ran was amused with the view, he crossed his legs and simply drunk his coffee as he watched the two jellyfish haired male fighting each other in a childish manner.Rindou was pulling sanzu's hair while sanzu did the same.

The older haitani shook his head in amusement, akashi and mochi who'm having their own world got caught their attention of the two executives fighting with each other's grip.Akashi puffed his smoke out of his mouth and placed back his cigarette in his mouth.

Sanzu and Rindou only stopped messing with each other when Mikey spoke in a monotone voice.He caught the attendance of every executive inside the room.The purple male and pink haired male let go of each other, fixing their clothes off and disgusting some dirt away before their faces turned into serious expressions.

Mikey started the discussion as he cleared his throat.“Look’s like I'm only gone for a week and another organization is planning for our downfall”he stated for starters.The serious faces of his executives and the thick tension around the room filled the whole place.He reached out for a white sheet of bondpaper at the top of his desk and showed it to everyone.“This is Michio Nobuyuki, 27 years old and the head of the newly build organization named Jikugo.They’re out around Japan currently, their crimes, murders, frauds, prostitution and trafficking made them raise up high in the mafia organization.Their organization is the one responsible for our missing money last week, which kokonoi caught the snitch here yet thanks to sanzu for killing him, we didn't have the chance to know the motive of the this organization” Mikey turned to sanzu who'm looked down, he got carried away that time and he forgot about no killing spree rules that kokonoi reminded him.

Mikey sighed.“and just now kakucho found out about our missing employees in each of our casino's.We have another snitch, certainly part of Nobuyuki's organization.The ladies had been missing not less than twenty hours, I want you all to tightened the security to all of our business empires as soon as we find the snitch and even if we do, we must not let our guard down.”

“Rindou and Ran will took turns finding for the culprit, you two have a wide range of mens, perhaps those are usuel.Mochi and takeomi will manage the business security.Tightened and secured, protect all of it and I don't want other news that our employees are rather missing nor dead.Kokonoi and kakucho will do the research and find leads about Nobuyuki, and Sanzu…”Mikey turned to sanzu.

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