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Torture, Deaths, Gore⚠

(If you're uncomfortable with these warnings, please do skip this part!)

Somewhere in japan
Bonten's Head out

“Tsk” Sanzu spit wiping the side of his lips.He got irritated by these stubborn traitors Infront of him who won't speak up even if how gore his torture he did to them.Those rats are the one who snitched bonten from the new build criminal organization jiguko who's now trying to take bonten down.

Mikey wants information out from these rats infront of sanzu, since the founder of the criminial organization titled jiguko was unknown, and kokonoi can't find any traces regarding his true identity…the only chance they have is to spill it out from the traitors who worked under jikugo who previously work for them and betrayed them.

There are five men's inside the room, whimpering and trying there best to not make any noises that will make sanzu do even more worst than what he did to the other two.The torture started an hour ago, with the Haitani brothers watching sanzu at the side, puffing cigar on their mouth and do something on their phone for their own entertainment while they let sanzu do his favorite thing among all.

Sanzu harshly let go of his katana to the ground.He didn't care much since it's not his favorite katana, there's still three traitors left for him to get the information out.He sat down the wooden box that was placed Infront of the them.

Their bodies trembled in fear, sanzu is getting impatient as the time pass by.He took a red pill from his pocket and popped it on his mouth then breathed in.His head was throwed back, then he slowly raised it up then reached for his gun.His aura changed, “Hey, you.”

The three person who's tied up and had a gagged on their mouths raised their heads up.Haruchiyo harshly walked towards them and took the gag out to one of the men's.He then aimed the gun on his forehead, the man trembled in fear and started to tear up.His fearful eyes stared at sanzu.

“You three is been quite….silent for the mean time.” sansu twitched his lips for a smirk.“Why don't we play a game, huh?”

A chuckle left through sanzu's mouth as he proceed, “ops, you can't speak aren't you? it's a yes then.”

The two men's who's still had gags on harshly shook their heads while the other one followed sanzu's figure, he walked towards the table where the material's and weapons for torturing are located at.

Sanzu scanned his eyes to the table, his fingers flickered to a small konai.He thought of a brilliant idea to spill the information out, and it will fun to be part of his ‘LITTLE GAME’. “It’ll be fun since the three of you can participate…”

He side eyed the trembling men's behind him.“What do you say about, if you don't spill the tea…I’ll cut your tongues off?”

The three men's widened their eyes upon hearing his words.The one without gagged started crawling away, whimpering and doing his best to get away.The Haitani brothers watched sanzu as he dashed towards him and grabbed his collar while holding the konai on his hands.A smug grin was on his face.

“You’re contestants number 1.” Sanzu growled, his thrist for gore started kicking in after he drank his pills.


Sanzu paused for a bit.The man just spilled out information about the founders sexuality, the Haitani’s watching in the corner became alert.Rindou was on the note app of his phone, taking notes incase he will say more.

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