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Second persons POV
Inside kakucho's car

"Mikey.. isn't that y/n?"kakucho asked as they both seated inside kakucho's car.On their way to bontens head quarters in France.

Kakucho was there to manage some issues and deals of bonten.As for the other executives that on their mission assigned by Mikey.He left the bonten HQ on Japan under takeomi's care knowing he was responsible for his job.

He sent the others for a mission and business deals in the other country.Aside from Sanzu who was left with his older brother in Japan.

"You know her?"mikey asked, deadpanned.

"i'm sorry to barged into your personal matters but I accidentally found the folders in your desk containing her private information while I am looking for the one with the deal with mexico guys a few months ago"Kakucho explained."and I heard about her before."

Mikey sighed heavily."She doesn't know it's me.I faked my name to her and you can't say anything about what we do and who I am unless I told you so"

Kakucho was confused about what's happening but he instantly nodded his head to his boss."Yes Mikey"

He was out of rights to know about Mikey's personal affection and interest to women, he's job is bontens number three.

He doesn't want to interfere in any of his co workers or even his boss personal matters in life as they don't interfere about his.Unless about work.Kakucho focused his attention to the road as he drove himself and his boss to the head quarters.

It didn't take long enough for them to reach there.The reason is, the budget the kakucho was talking about was stolen by one of their workers.A traitor, he just can't spill the information in public like what he just reasoned about the financial shit in the hotel.

The traitor was caught and it has to do with Mikey since kakucho found a information about the traitor being one of their rival gang members.Mikey must be the one to deal with him, Mikey despise traitors.

Second persons POV
Night Time
Y/N's Hotels bedroom

You twisted and twirl around, you can't sleep.After taking your dinner you crawled up to bed and decided to take a nap but you couldn't.All because of the loud music from the next room in your left, who ever it belong.

You groaned.The urge to knock at the next door's and tell them to shut the fucking music up because they're invading the peacefulness of the other rooms next to theirs.

Taking a deep breath, you exhaled.You stared at the ceiling and thought for a second before fully gaining the confidence to do.You grab your blanket and pillow, you silently walked out of your room and went out.

Heading the way to the next room next to yours.You stared at the door, you bit your lower lip."Its now or I will never sleep peacefully"you brought your hands to curl a fist like and knocked.

You waited for a few moments for the door to open, you knocked again to make sure the person inside will open the door for you.

"Guess he's asleep"you murmured, you took a step away but you instantly stopped when the door opened.

Your orbs made eye contact with the void eyes right Infront of you.


"uh hey, did I disturb you?"you ask

Mikey stared down at the blanket and pillow you were holding in your hands before returning his eyes back to your face."Not really.Can I help you with something?"

You shyly rubbed the back of your neck."Well..the next room next to mine looks like having a party blast and I can't sleep because of the loud music.Do you mind if I sleep here?"

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now