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Btw guys before you continued to read this chap, just a little reminder that in y/N's pov she doesn't know that Kyo was actually mikey.

But in second persons POV that meant me describing the scenario, I'll be using Mikey's name instead of his fake name "Kyo"

That's all hehe you may now continue

That's all hehe you may now continue

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15𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔 𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒓
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒔, 𝑭𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆


My mouth left out a small moan when I felt a disturbance of a hand shaking my shoulders.I slowly opened my eyes and looked at the first person that my vision caught.

I startled a little when I saw Kyo's face closer to mine.It made me woke up from my senses blinking my eyes.

He stood straight and looked at the window beside me.I followed his gaze and a soft grasp escaped my mouth when I realized we reached the air of France.

We're in France!

"we're..here"my mouth murmured softly.

"Yep, let's go it's almost seven pm"kyo said

"mhm"i got up from my seat and followed him out the jet.

Men's in black suits surrounded us and the others carried our stuffs out of the plane.I stick close to Kyo since he told me too and make sure to not miss him in a slice of second since the air port will be crowded.

I did my best to keep up with him until we got out of the airport.Those buff men's continued to follow us from behind until we reach a black car outside the airports entrance.

A man was stood next to the cars door in the back seat.Kyo stopped and turned to me, he gestured his hand for me to come in first to which I obliged and the unknown man opened the door for me.Shortly after Kyo followed inside.

I settled myself in my seat.

"To our hotel suit, make it hurry"kyo ordered to the driver.

"Yes sir"the driver started the engine and began driving on the way.The ride was pretty silent and I choose to have a sight seeing on the window to see the view of Paris France.

My mouth opened a little, it was crowded yet the buildings are amazing.There's so many restaurants, cafe's,shops and other tall buildings surrounded the area we passed by.It was like vintage street and the street lights added a little touch as it inspired by lamp posts.

I couldn't complain much of the silence inside the car when I can distract myself with the beauty presented before me.Just a few more minutes when we stopped by because of the stop light, I spoiled myself looking at the surroundings outside.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now