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Y/N's pov
Eiffel tower, Paris, France

"Wow...it's so, beautiful"i murmured under my breath, the cold breeze of the air hit my delicate skin firmly.My eyes was blessed with the mesmerizing view of Paris France from up of the Eiffel tower.There are few people are there on top along with me and Kyo too.I couldn't take my eyes off the view of the city lights and tall buildings.

It's so exquisite, I can't even spill another compliment to the place.I'm sophisticated with the view.

"I supposed it is"kyo agreed, he leaned both of his hands on the railings and settled himself."Do you like it?"

I titled my head to face him, totally cutting my eyes off the view."what do you mean like it?"you snapped, he made eye contact with me in an instant and my lips twitched into a wide grin."I love it!" I squealed."Its so beautiful, I never seen anything this exquisite my whole life!"

"I'm glad you like it here.."his voice was low, yet his eyes shows more emotions that I couldn't explain.There's always something in that eyes that I couldn't read.Something, mysterious.

"You know I'm wondering, I don't understand why my feelings somehow is very comfortable with you.What I mean is, ever heard of deja Vu? A feeling that one has already seen or heard something before?I felt like I've known you but I don't remember or seened you before but I don't have any memory of you.I don't really know how to explain this like, I don't feel harm when I'm with you at all.I know I should not trust strangers and we barely knew each other but...myself is somehow telling me I'm gonna be fine and nothing will happen to me.That you won't do any harm on me.I've thought that we're not that even close but I have come here with you and witness this beautiful peace of art right Infront of us" I explained truthfully looking away, hoping he will understand what I felt.Because truly, I am weirded about it.

I waited for his response, he just stared at me as if he was thinking that deeply of what to respond to my assumption.When I didn't hear any response I felt embarrassed."Nevermind it, I'm probably crazy"i chuckled.

"Maybe we've meet before, but you just couldn't remember"he quietly said after quite a while.

"eh?"i averted my sight to him, "But I don't remember someone who looks like you before I black out to that coma.If we meet before then I'll prolly remember you no matter how you look li...."i looked at him in an instant and scanned my eyes carefully."Nope, I don't remember you."

A sort of disbelief flashed through his hues.It made me wonder why."So we meet before?you looked very disappointed when I didn't remember you.Are you my classmate?"

He shook his head as a response.

"Sorry, probably that impact I got forgot a few of my memories way back that's why I don't rem meeting you.Or maybe we have meet but I just don't remember you.You know, not all people you meet everyday you will always remember"i gave a downward smile.

An awkward silence followed, the two of us didn't dare to speak.Our eyes are apparently drowned by the view right Infront of us.Exhaling the breeze of the hair even tho it's cold, it calmed me.

Paris, you're a dream...

Paris, you're a dream

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