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Second persons POV
The next day, in the coffee shop...


Zoey was sleeping in one of the tables of the cafe, it's around six pm, the child must be exhausted of giving you a hand since your shift started.You don't want to left her alone at home so talked to the owner of the coffee shop if you can bring her with you because no one will look out for her.Thankfully the owner agreed, Zoey behaved herself as you started working.

She sometimes volunteer to wipe the tables and bring the left overs of the customers to the kitchen.She guarded the counter while you do dishes, you're thankful for the little girls help.Sonoko Alo find her very cute as you told her about the story of how you meet Zoey yesterday and thinking about adopting her since her mother abandoned her for real.

Sonoko thought it was a great idea, even suggested to enroll Zoey in local elementary school not too far from the coffee shop.The child needs education so why not?You planned on enrolling her to the local elementary school that Sonoko is talking about so Zoey can start studying and she won't be a late bloomer student.Maybe tomorrow you can go talk to the school principal about enrolling Zoey but you must ask Zoey first if she wants.

You brushed the little girls soft blond locks as she slept on the table with her head on top of it.She’s sleeping peacefully, you slightly took the strand of her hair away from her face and tucked it in her ears.By the time you just finished, you flinched when the door of the coffee shop opened.You immediately straightened your posture and open your mouth to speak.

“Greetings!”you welcomed turning your head towards the customer.Your heart instantly started beating faster when you saw a familiar face came inside the coffee shop.It was Mikey, his eyes locked on to yours the moment he stepped inside.

“Good evening” he uttered.

“Good evening too.”you gave him a smile and started to walk back to the counter.

Mikey followed you using his eyes.It was fixed through your face as soon as you're standing Infront of him in the counter.

“what can I get you today? something peculiar perhaps?”you asks

“The usual please, and I'll probably add a cheese toasty.”

You nodded calculating his order in your mind.“Great, that would be thirteen dollars and twelve cents.Anything else?”

He shook his head handling you his closed payment before he took a sit in the stool in front of the counter.Its quite a surprise to you that he wasn't on his favorite spot.Your curiosity hits you, “Found another spot?”you mumbled while taking out two doriyaki's from the display case.

“Cant sit there when there's a child sleeping on it”he simply responded.

You shifted your gaze at Zoey and then realized that he was right, Zoey was sitting in his favorite spot, sleeping soundly. “oh, sorry about that..”you rubbed your nape awkwardly.“I’ll just get her off the table so you can—”

“Its fine, let the child sleep.It looks like she's exhausted” he immediately cut off.

A small smile curved in your lips.“I guess, she's been doing her best to help me here, at least.”

“You know her?”

You nodded your head and continued to prepare his order, you walked towards the coffee's machine then grabbed a large cup.You started making his coffee, “Mhm, I saw her yesterday in the park when I came there to buy ice cream.Her mother left her there so I decided to just, let her live with me.” you answered, filling the cup with the caffeine.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now