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"Come in, sorry about the mess.Pepper is kinda, y'know.."you rubbed your nape as you opened the door wide to let Mikey in.True to his words, he waited for you to finish buying groceries.He evn helped you cary all the stuffs, you couldn't take him enough so you invited him for dinner.He just have to wait until you finished cooking.

He stepped his foot inside your house, "It's fine, don't worry about it."

You gave him a small smile, the two of you were greeted by pepper.The cat just popped out in the living room and let our q meow."Hi pepper, sorry I'm late and we do have a visitor today."

Pepper meowed as a response.He walked towards you and brushed his body against your leg.You closed the door before bending your limbs down to pet him on his head before you proceed to the center of the living room."I'll handle those bags, I'm sorry that you have to carry it all up in here"you told Mikey reaching your arms to get the paper bags from him but he moved it away from you which made your eyebrows curled.

"Where I'm gonna put this?"he asks instead, your lips made a pout.

"Just in the table, I'll take it in the kitchen."

Before you could even protest, he made his way towards your kitchen and just walked passed you.Neverminding your sentence, he reached your small kitchen and placed the paper bags on top of the table.You sighed softly before following him to the kitchen."Thank you.."you murmured softly."I'll just change and make dinner real quick."

"You don't have too you know.."

"I couldn't thank you enough, so please...let me treat you dinner"you faced him with pleading eyes.Mikey sighed softly, the way you stared at him with those beautiful hues of yours pleading him to accept your offer never failed to make his heart race.He couldn't declined your offer so he agreed, it made you burst in joy and let out a wide grin.

"Yosh, I'll be back in a minute to change then I'll start cooking."

"Take your time."

You nods before you run to your room to change.You grabbed a white t-shirt with a cinnamon roll character design from hello kitty and a comfy gray joggers.Aftee you got dressed you quickly washed your face in the bathroom before went back to the kitchen.

Mikey was patiently waiting for you there while sitting on the couch.His attention shifted onwards when you appeared in the kitchen wearing a comfy outfit.You grabbed your apron then started unpacking the things you bought from the convenience store.You placed them all above the table.Mikey just watched you work on, his eyes never leaving your figure.You were separating some stuffs and ingredients for dinner and for your storage.As you work on it, you started thinking of what to make for dinner aside from chicken curry.

You thought of asking Mikey if he had anything specific that he wanted to have for dinner, but you hesitated to ask yet you want to at least get back at him for driving you back home and for coming with you in the store."Uhm, do you have any request to have for dinner...?"you asks, yet your voice is rather low and soft.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now