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Somewhere in Tokyo
Third Persons POV

Michio Nobuyuki
27 years old
Head of Jikugo

Nobuyuki waited patiently for his underling to report something very interesting to his liking about his assigned task.Tapping his fingers to the wooden polished table inside his office, he sighed deeply.

“What’s taking that dimwit to call?”he shrieked to his loyal executive sitting in the corner of his office while having a liquor.

Minami kazue
Executive 1

“Chill out for once, he might have something interesting to announce once he calls”he assured the Nobuyuki with a smug grin flashed on his face.

Nobuyuki rolled his eyes.His thrist wouldn't let him in peace.He craved for it, he took enough time to planned and make everything clean and in shape.If it will go on waste, he can't live without achieving his desire.

Both men's attention shifted in an instant when the door of Nobuyuki’s office opened, another male came inside holding his laptop on his hands and a silly grin on his face.

“I hope it's good news”Nobuyiki softly snapped.

Zetsu Okutsuki
Jikugo’s Treasurer

“I’m glad it is”he walked towards the couch and placed his laptop in the coffee table.

“What it is?”Nobuyuki raised an eyebrow to him, totally questioning what does he actually mean.

“Today is jikugo's day boss, we are getting closer to our desired goal”Zetsu answered.“Our underling did a great job of stealing thirty five million yen from Bonten, isn't that a Fabolous news?”he chuckled.

Nobuyuki's face lightened up.The news brought excitement to him.“Very well zetsu, very well”he smirked.

“I wanna see their faces going nuts about their money being stealed by us.What an epic scene to see”Minami smirked.

“I agree with that brother”zetsu said before turning his head to his superior, “ so, what’s the next plan boss?”

“Continue to steal their money, make sure that underling won't get caught.As for now, let's slowly take bonten down and replace them as the number one most dangerous organization in Japan…and to get revenge for my brother..”Nobuyuki answered bitterly.

The memory of his brother who'm got shot straight on its head that horrible night of his life came back.His grip tightened to the swivel chair he was sitting.

His mind interrupted after a mere seconds because of the vibrate of his phone.He took it out from his pocket and the person he was expecting to call popped up in the screen.

Nobuyuki immediately answered it by pressing the answer button.

“Boss”a heavy pant greeted him.

“Make sure its good news”he stated coldy.

“I’m not sure if this report will be a good news to you but you need to know this”his underling panted.

“So what are you waiting for? elaborate it already”he snapped.

“The Sano went to France—”

“What?!what is he doing there?are you tailing him?”Nobuyuki’s sudden burst caught zetsu and minami’s attention.

A questioning look flashed through their faces as they stared and observe their boss face and behavior.

“y-yes boss I'm tailing him this past three days that's why I'm not voice for the past days.”

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