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𝑺𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝑨𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒐𝒐𝒏
4:14 𝒑𝒎

Second persons POV

Sunday is a rest day, you decided to visit your parents grave in the cemetery after your check up in the hospital.You are required since you just got woke up from your coma.

After a long wait in the waiting area outside the office of the doctor that was assigned to you, you finally had your turn.

The nurse guided you to come inside.

"Good after miss l/n, how are you feeling?"a doctor in his probably mid fifties asked, he was sitting in his desk while following my move as I sat down the patient's seat.

"I am fine doctor"you answered.

"That's good to know, do you feel strange things happening in your body these past few weeks?"the doctor took out his clipboard and grab a ballpen.

You shook your head.

"Okay, good.Have you catch cold or fever?"

You shook your head once again.

"Mhm, great.Looks like your body rapidly adjusted to the sudden change of your environment.I'm gonna give you vitamins for the mean time, and for your next check up schedule, if you ever feel anything strange don't hesitate to tell me alright?"

"Hai"you nodded.

"Okay, these vitamins are free.Seek my assistant nurse for assist so you can have some in the front desk"he handed you a piece of paper containing the medicines he listed for you.

"thank you very much"you stood up and bowed slightly.

"no problem miss l/n, becareful on your way"

You nodded and firmly walked out of the room.Your eyes started to look for the assistant nurse he told you about and whe you catch a glimpse of the nurse,you walked towards her direction.

"Excuse me miss, I'd like to have an assist to get these vitamins in the front desk"you said.

The nurse turned to you and you showed her the paper."Hai, right this way ma'am"

She started walking firstly and you followed her shortly after.She led you to the front desk and you watched her negotiate with the front desk worker, showing the piece of paper you gave her.

After quite awhile she turned to you and handed you a paper bag of the medicines inside it.

"Thank you"you mumbled.

"Your welcome ma'am, have a good day"she excuse herself to do her errands.

Since it's almost five pm, you hurried to find a cab outside the hospital to take you to the cemetery.You already brought some food you made with you in your tote bag so you don't have to stop by some stores to buy something for your parents.

As soon as you found a cab, you told the driver the location you wanted him to take you and he nodded understandingly as he drove you to the cemetery.

The ride was more than twenty minutes an the driver pulled the cab Infront of the entrance of the cemetery.You reached for your wallet and handed him the exact amount he asked for you to pay him.

You got off the cab holding your tote bag, taking a deep breath, you started to step your foot forward and trace the path where your family grave was located.The cemetery haven't change at all and you exactly memorize the place very well since you used to visit your family grave every festival of spirits.

Your sight looked around your surroundings, observing the place.It really didn't change, you walked slowly at the stone paths until you reach a familiar grave.You stopped for a moment.

Did someone visited?you saw a fresh bouquet of colorful flowers in your family grave.You stared at it, thinking who might visit.You don't have any idea, you looked at the flowers closely.

Your feet move towards your family's tomb and bend down a little when you saw a little note attached in the flowers.

It say's:

𝗥𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗠𝗿. 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝗠𝗿𝘀. 𝗟𝗮𝘀𝘁/𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲

Your brows frowned, Head titled a little.Who put those flowers?

The sendere name wasn't even put on the card.Maybe a friend of your parents?a coworker of your dad?

You sighed softly, probably.You don't have any idea who'm it came from.You bend down the tombstone.

"hello mama, hello papa"you mouthed."Its been awhile didn't it?I am doing well, I hope you guys do too.I found a job, it was tiring yet I enjoyed learning new things there and communicate to different people. Hasn't it been very quite long huh?I miss you guys"

You squatted down, you continued to tell those things you tend them to know while taking out the Tupperware of foods you brought for them.

"I'm gonna be fine mama, papa.Dont worry about me.The doctor said my body adapt rapidly at the change.Everything really did change after ten years, how high-tech now"you continued,
"But my deep slumber was just a few minutes and then I woke up, I'm already an adult"chuckling, you opened the Tupperware of cookies.

You sighed heavily.

"You guys know I'm really such a secretive person, and I did something ten years ago that I know you guys will be furious at"you looked down."Mama, papa, I had a boyfriend ten years ago."

"His name is Manjiro.We're at the same age, he was clingy, childish, possessive, and protective at the same time.I love everything about him.We first meet in the park near our neighborhood, it was winter season and I decided to buy doriyakis.Remember that day mama?I begged you for money so I can buy those doriyaki's"you laughed softly."Then I went to the park, I sat down the swing and began eating until this blonde boy named manjiro sat down in the empty swing next to mine.I noticed him staring at me as I ate and I decided to offer him some."

The memory flashed to your mind, your face flashed a small smile.

"I became infatuated to him after the day he promised to protect me.He was kind and gentle that I can't help falling inlove with him even more.We promised to stay at each other's side forever, he promised to marry me someday"

The smile in your face slowly faded."Yet, he broke up with me that day.Because of the reason that he doesn't want me anymore, but I am convinced there is still more than that he doesn't want to tell.I tried everything to try and reach him out but he was the one moving away.I respect his decision, yet I am bugged because I know there's more reason why he broke with me"

"I don't know where is he now.I miss him a lot, I hope he was doing all fine.A part of me wanted to look for him but I don't have any idea where he have gone.Only if I could...I would find him"

A sad smile curved at your lips."But maybe destiny is really something else, I've always thought we will be together until the end.Life must be really full of surprises"

"Maybe there's another reason that he's gone..."


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