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𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

Tokyo Japan
Afternoon Time

The door of the coffee flew wide open, revealing a brown haired girl with her school uniform and her school bag placed at her shoulders.Her eyes darted to you the moment he stepped inside.


It was Sonoko.

Feeling your body reacted at the loud squeal left her mouth, you slowly turned around to see her panting for air as she stomped towards the counter gasping for air to fill her lungs.

You slowly turned around, holding a paper towel and a ceramic cup in your hands."S-sonoko-chan"you utter.

She slammed her hands in the counter making you blinked.She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to say something."Are you free this Saturday senpai?!"

"I-well, uhm, yes"

Sonoko breathed out."Yosh, I thought I will have no one to come with me"

Your eyes brows meet, curiosity hit you."Come with you?"

"Hai"she clicked her index and middle finger to create a sound, "I got invited by my cousin to her birthday celebration and she asked me to tag someone I know "

"and.. you're asking me to come with you?"

" Absolutely senpai "

"Ahh..is your cousin a boy or a girl..?"

Sonoko shook her hands."Dont worry senpai, she's a female and they're will be a few guest to come and celebrate if you come with us.Prolly her friends and our other relatives"

You thought for a bit while still cleaning the ceramic cup in your hands."Where's the party gonna held?"

"well, uhmm..at the club"sonoko answered quietly.

"At the what?!"you shrieked suddenly.

Sonoko blinked in surprise.She can see the shocked look in your face."y-you hate clubs?"

"well, uhm not really.I was just surprise, I mean..I haven't been in a club"you admitted shyly, your hand put down the ceramic cup in the counter.

"Really?it's my first time too!"Sonoko beamed loudly."I wonder what does it feels like when you to a club, have fun and dance with music.Uhm no alcohol official"

"I also wonder what kind of experience is that too"you reached for another ceramic cup in the tray next to you and wiped the wet material.

"That's the point why I'm going there.Please senpai, can you tag along with me?"sonoko made a praying posture on her hand and lifted her limbs up so she can move herself forward to you. "please, please senpaiiiii"

"You won't stop until I agreed, won't you?"

She grinned and let out a soft chuckle.

"Fine, I'll go with you"


Her childish reaction made you laughed a little."Hai, quiet it down, there's a customer coming"

You took a peek at the door.You mood brightened up all of the sudden when you saw a familiar person came in.It was Kyo!

"Greetings!"you mouthed, sonoko turned to look at the door too.

"He's handsome senpai"she whispered.

You jokingly smack his head."Shhh, he might here you"

"So I was right?you know him?"she turned to you.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now