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Second persons POV
Bonten's Head quarters

The bonten executives had gathered around the circular table, kokonoi summoned them to for an important meeting.He didn't consulted this to Mikey and kakucho who was out of the country for their one week business trip in France.

He and takeomi were left to manage the quarters for now.Hence the other executives including, Ran, his brother rindou, Sanzu just arrived from their previous successful mission, Kokonoi took the chance to gathered them all to announce the news.

The men's were having a little reunion inside the room by the time kokonoi entered the space holding his laptop.

His fellow executives averted their gaze at him.

“What’s all the deal about Koko?”Takeomi asks puffing a cigarette on his mouth after lighting it with his lighter.He puffed the smoke out, it totally bothered his younger brother Sanzu who made such a face to him.

“Stop poisoning me with your polluted smoke you old geezer”Haruchiyo spat swaying his hands to blast the smoke away.

Takeomi is rather unbothered by his little brothers complain.They didn't get along for a long period of time and it will just cause an argument if he payed attention to Haruchiyo.

“What it is Koko?Are you gonna return my black card back now?”Ran Haitani, the older one of the infamous Haitani brothers of ropponggi and Bonten curved his lips into a silly grin.

The side of kokonoi’s head popper a little veins.He walked towards the main seat of the table and placed his laptop gently to the surface before responding to the older haitani.“In your dreams Ran.”

“But koko~”Ran whined dramatically.“I promise I won't do it aga—”

It made kokonoi rolled his eyes and cut him off.“No, you bastard.You promised to me the last time and you fucked up.”

“I won't do the same thing again.I won't spend on my whores anymore.”

“You can fool a kid in five years of age but not me, you won't have your card back for a month”kokonoi stated.

“What—”Ran shrieked, his eyes side eyed his brother right beside him who's totally stopping the urge to laugh.“Its not funny Rin..”

“Sure it is, It's your fault for losing your black card”Rindou Snickered.“Who the fuck spends 200 thousand dollars a day for his whore’s huh?”

“But you spend a hundred dollars a day too”Ran put both of his hands in his waist as he stood up to defend his side.

“Rindou spends it for food you idiot, while you spend those two hundred thousand dollars for your whore's”Kokonoi countered his reason.

Rindou smirked at his older brother, looking up at him with the teasing face.

Ran looked back at him and said, “Stop it Rin”

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