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Two days later
Tokyo general hospital..

You woke up two days after getting admitted to the hospital.You got operated right on time to pull the bullet out of your leg then fell into a deep slumber after.Its been two days since you lay on the hospital bed and finally woke up.

Your eyes fluttered open gazing through the white lights and white wall of the place.You comprehended you're in the hospital and what happened after you passed out.Your hands immediately held your head feeling a slight ache.

Lifting yourself up you flinched a little when you heard a high pitched sound.

“ojuo-san, you're not allowed to get up yet..”it was the nurse who's taking encharge to take care of you after your operation.

You looked at her not obliging what she said and gazed your eyes around the room.You’re more worry when Zoey came into your mind.You left the child there and god knows who's with her.If any happens you will be the one to blame since you took responsibilities to look after her.

“ojuo-san—”you cut the nurse off when she tried to stop you from getting up.

You can't speak that much, your voice felt like stuck in your throat.The nurse started to startled when you lift your self up the bed and stood up but a yelp escaped through your mouth feeling a excruciating pain crossed your legs.

“Ojuo-san your wounds aren't fully held yet.The doctor said you must stay in bed”the nurse held your shoulders and put you back on the bed.You’re gritting your teeth in pain.

But in your mind you have to see zoey.You’re more worry about the kid than your wounds.

“Do you want to eat ojuo-san?”the nurse shortly asked after the following moments.“You have medicines to take after your meal.You haven't eaten any solid foods for two days since you got admitted here.”

𝑻𝒘𝒐 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔?!𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒔 𝑰 𝒂𝒎 𝒕𝒘𝒐 𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆?𝑶𝒉 𝒈𝒉𝒐𝒅..

Speaking of food, your stomach rumbled hearing the word.It was kinda loud that the nurse had a satisfaction look on her face as you lifted your face up to her.

She smiled and said, “I’ll get your dinner ojuo-san.Please stay in bed until I get back”her tone is soft as she head out of the room.

You sighed deeply.The pain is still kicking in your legs.Glancing to your wounded leg you examine it with your eyes.It was well bandage.A soft whimper escaped your lips, you wanted to go to the bathroom to release your urine.

Helping yourself up, you started moving by your hips to move at one place to another.As you reached the end of the bed you started thinking how you can walk through the bathroom from your bed.Then your eyes spotted and pushing tray beside you.

Bending your arms to reach for it you pulled it closer to you and decided to lift yourself up so you can stand.But your body startled by the time the door opened and a familiar silhouette came inside the room.His eyes darted to you as soon as he stepped inside.

It had you paused for a moment recognize the person Infront of you.

It had you paused for a moment recognize the person Infront of you

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With my heart pounding loudly, I'm too nervous and anxious to look at Manjiro straight in his eyes.Its so nerve cracking how he never leave my eating state as I eat silently after helping me get to the bathroom.By the time our skin touched, I felt electrified.

I couldn't help myself but my cheeks felt so warm.I a fully aware that I'm blushing but I didn't mind it because of hunger.After I finished eating I helped myself set the tray aside and took the medicine that the nurse inherited me to take.

An awkward silence soon followed.I know he was staring at me while I stared down the floor, no words escape my mouth and even tho I wanted to talk but my voice stuck into my throat.It so quiet and anytime now, I couldn't stand his fierce stare.

Suddenly I gasped when I felt his strong pair of arms embracing me.My eyes widened and a small soft whimper left my mouth.Manjiro hugged me, a very tight one and I couldn't breathe well but I didn't complain.My hands travelled on their own and placed on them at his back closing my eyes.

“I’m sorry..”he whispered through my neck.His hot breathe sends shivers through my body.“Why did you do that?why do you have to hide to me who you truly are?”i asked softly, yet my voice was crack but I didn't mind.

Manjiro slowly released me from his embrace and squatted down infront of me.“I had too.. thinking you hated me for leaving you long time ago.I couldn't face you for dumping you just like that even tho I don't want too.I’m still young and afraid that I will lose you one day if I didnt broke up with you.I’ve suffered my decision of leaving you, thinking I should have protect you instead of leaving you that night.All because I’m afraid you will be gone.I dont want any body to hurt you.Believe me or not, I never spare a day without visiting you in your hospital room while you're in coma.I never made any absences to visit you and talk to you hoping you will open your eyes and talked back to me…I did it because the love I bare for you is so great.”

His words drowned my heart.I felt it melting and my knees grew weak to his honestly.I slowly reached out for his face and cupped it in my hands before speaking, “I don't hate you, manjiro.”

“I’ve been yearning to see you since I woke up.I wanted to know how you were doing and asked you if you ever did visit me while I'm in the hospital.I want to know if you are doing well due to that I asked mitsuya and kazutora when I had the chance to meet them if they know where you've been through.I’am worried about you Manjiro.It made me even more concerned about you when mitsuya-kun told me what happened to emma-chan and Draken-kun while I'm sleeping.Yet I don't know where you are, I couldn't do anything about it even tho I wanted to know where are you.Then, I just accepted the fact that I won't be able to see you.That you're one of the person who became part of me.”

Manjiro frooze in his spot.After hearing my confession he raised his head up and meet me in the eyes.“You…don't hate me?”

I simply shook my head.“I never did.”

His eyes formed tears and rolled down on his cheeks.I flinched when he started crying.“Manjiro?nani— I'm sorry..I didn't mean to make you cry—”

“Marry me y/n..”he said between his tears.


“Marry me..my queen.”

“y-you mean–like–”

“I promised before didn't I?I promise I will marry you, have children and grow old together watching our future grandchildrens grow.I will protect you if it's the last thing I will do.”

I blinked my eyes in surprise.My heart was like joining a marathon champion race inside my ribcage and it made my cheeks turned very hot.I felt my body shivered.

I love this man.I always have even tho I don't have any idea that I meet him and talked to him already yet in a different name but still I fall inlove with the same man I've been longing for years.

A smile left my lips, manjiros body shivers as he heard the words..“ I'll marry you.. manjiro.”

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now