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“Who are you

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“Who are you..”it was more a demand than a question.Mikey heard the other line let out a chuckle, it starting irritate him.“I demand you answer me.”

“Easy there, will you? You don't want your dear y/n to be buried six feet under the ground right?or have her head serve in your dinner table, don't you?”

Mikey's body trembled all of the sudden, hearing your name from the who ever bastard he was talking into right now.His expression change into anger and despise.

“That’s good that you know what to keep quiet.”

“what do you want..”

“Your life.In exchange for what you've taken form me for a very long time.”

He falls into silence.He doesn't recognize the voice of the owner he was talking into nor have any idea who it is.He have many many enemies in the ground, anyone will be glad to have his head.

“Now, if you want to have this beautiful girl of yours alive.I’ll send you a location, if you come with any back up or companion, y/n's head will hang in my wall.”

His phone buzzed a sign of call ended.Then it vibrate again, when Mikey checked his screen, the same number message him.The message convey about the location, time and the threatening reminder if he tried to bring any companion, you will be good as dead with a picture of you laying unconscious in the concrete ground.

He looked at the clock.Three am later he have to come in the specific place the caller told him.His body felt so numb as he walked back inside your house without any other word, he carried Zoey through his arms.

The child was confused and asked multiple questions but he quietly ignored it.As fast as he can, he drove through the head quarters in less than a minute, with Zoey in his embrace, carrying her with him.

His mens greeted him as he stepped inside.

“Where are we?”zoey asked, the two of them are now inside the elevator, up to his office.His hands are busy typing on his phone to have an urgent meeting with his executives in three minutes.

He glanced at Zoey beside him.“At my office.”

“Where’s y/n-san?We left her there alone, she said she will just buy—”

“She’s been kidnapped and I'm gonna take her back”he blurted out without break to the child.

Zoey’s eyes widened.The child started comprehending and understanding what he told her.“Who…kidnapped her..?”the side of her eyes starting to form tears.“are you going to rescue her, sir—”

“Call me Mikey, and…bad people took her... I'm gonna take her back with me.We are here because we need my friends help”he explained, Zoey responded a wave of sob.

Mikey's eyes softened through the little girl in his embrace.He ruffled the girls hair. “Don't worry, I'll get her back.”he uttered, just in the time that the door of the elevator opened.He walked out firmly, two of his executives, Rindou Haitani and Kakucho Hitto was just a few inches from the door when they spotted him.

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