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Second persons POV

Mikey made his way towards the coffee shop later that evening.He found you cleaning the counter back facing him while humming a song along with the radio.His lips curved into a small smirk the way your hips slowly moved along with the notes.

He silently sat down the stool in the counter and amused as he watched you.You were taking your time and vibed along not knowing you had a customer behind your back.You're too drawn to not even notice that the door of coffee shop opened.

You continued to sing along, eyes closed and feeling the vibe of the music while cleaning the counter table of the coffee machines.Your hips did a little sway, Mikey somehow found it really cute.He leaned his cheeks on his palms and stared at you for how long you will be able to finally notice him behind you cause it seems like it will take time.

"You and I will always be, celebrating life together.I know I have found a friend forever more~"you opened your mouth to sang softly and quietly as you could.

"love is like a melody, one that I will always treasure.Courage is the key that opens every door~ tho you may not know where your gifts may lead and it will not show at start~ when you live your dreams you'll find destiny~"you slowly turned around holding the white piece of cloth you used to wipe the tiles."its written in your-fuckin' hell"you shrieked, your eyes widening at the sight of Kyo in front of you.

"written in my fuckin' hell?"he smirked at you.

"you startled me"

Kyo shrugged his shoulders to you."My bad, I cant help to not disturb you.Your singing was quite amusing"

Your lips curved into a smile of disbelief."Dont lie"

His brows frowned at you."why would I lie to you?"

"i don't know, but I am certain I'm not good at singing"

He shrugged his shoulders."You should hear yourself otherwise you'll not be convince "

"is that a compliment?"you chuckled.

"Does it sound like a threat to you?"he twitched his lips into a small smile.

You shook your head."Nope, it's a compliment then"smiling you set the napkins down and tapped your apron off."What can I get you today?"

"the usual please, and can I add a toasty?"

Your brows meet.Its unusual for you to hear it from him since almost all the time he only ordered doriyaki and large Cappuccino.But people try different things do they? "alright, it will be eleven dollars in total"

He handed you a close eleven dollar bill and placed some tips in the tip jar like the usual.Your lips curved into a smirk."are you always this generous?"


You let out a soft chuckle turning around to make his order for him.Within a few minutes you were done preparing it and layed them on a tray before serving it to him at his usual spot near the window."Enjoy"

His attention shifted into the table as you one by one placed the food he bought."Thanks"

"no problem, if you need anything I'm in the kitchen"you left him with a smile and shuffled your way towards the kitchen.You checked the banana cakes inside, just a few more minutes before it's finally ready.

When the oven released a sound you quickly took a clothed hand gloves to take the banana cakes out.The aroma of the food filled your nose as you placed it off the counter of the kitchen to slice it in equal parts.

Once you're done, you took it out with you to display it in the display case.Your eyes darted to the white haired male near the window as he silently eat his brunch.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now