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𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽

𝑨𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒃

The loud blast of song was still can be heard despite in the third floor of the place where it has the total view of the club underneath it if someone will track on the veranda of the room from across the huge space.

Sat there in a black arm rest chair was a man tapping his fingers through the armrest of swivel chair he was sitting.He was expecting someone to knock on the door.His expectations stabbed through the wood when he heard a knock and another man joined him inside.

He's been waiting for him to come sooner.

"boss, she's here"the male who recently came in blurted the news.

His boss stood up, fixing his neck tie wrapped around his delicate neck.He walked towards the veranda and looked down.Eyeing every person in the club from above.Sooner his eyes darted to a familiar hair color of black

His eyes never leaving y/n as soon as he confirmed it was her.

"Guard all the place, I want her safe"he spoke in a monotone voice.

"as you please sir" the man bowed at him before he left the quiet room.

Meanwhile y/n and sonoko were enjoying the celebration of sonoko's cousin.Y/n sat down the chair in one of the tables they reserve, she was bothered by the loud music she's hearing all over the place.It made sense that her discomfort started because she haven't been in this kind of place before.

As the celebration started, y/n only sat down in one of the chairs in the tables and eating a chips with guacamole spread while sonoko and the others were happily dancing in the dance floor.Y/n was disinterested, she have thought it wasn't really her thing.

Sonoko tried to persuade her to also come and join them but she politely refused the girl.She choose to sat there alone and watched everyone around her having a blast.It's a club obviously so it can't be avoided that her eyes catches some random people making it with each other like no one was around.Y/n kept her self down, avoiding to glance at them for her own comfort.

She watched sonoko and the others having fun while dancing along with the music with the other people.It made y/n finished all of the chips in the bowl she was holding, she started to look for water cause it seems like all of the beverages and drinks placed in the table are mix with liquor.She doesnt drink alcohol so she titled her head around and looked for a bar section to ask if she can have water.

Y/n was certain they have so she stood on her feet and walked towards the first bar section she layed her eyes on.

"Good evening ma'am, what can I get you?"the bartender asks.

"Hello, uhm can I get a bottled of water please?"

"We only have in glass ma'am, is that alright?"

"Yeah it's fine, can I get one?"

The bartender smiled at her."coming right up"

Y/n waited for a few moments until the bartender came back to her to gave her a glass of water."Thank you"she murmured.

"at your service ma'am"the bartender gave her a handsome smile before she left.

Y/n went back to the table where she was before.She started drinking the glass of water all the way down.Once she was finished she placed it gently on the table and shifted her attention to the crowd, trying to catch a glimpse of sonoko and the others.

A very moment too soon, she flinched and let out a small squeak when she felt a warm hands touched her shoulders.

"Hello there beautiful"a husky voice was heard.

She slowly turned around, to her disbelief, her eyes caught off three person behind her.Each one to her left and right and at her back.

She immediately stood up, the gentlemans chuckled at her reaction, finding it entirely cute.

One of them spoke up, raising both his hands up."easy there gorgeous, we won't hurt you"he smiled.

"who are you.."y/n demanded, deadpanned.

"Well, let us introduce ourselves to you milady.I'm Deven, this guy and right here is Leon and the other one is Derek" the man named Deven said.

She stared at them full of confusion.She doesn't even know this guys.

"Do you need anything from me?"she asks

"Not really, we just noticed how lonely you are here for the moment and we decided to approach you instead if you need a company"Leon answered.

Y/n shifted her gaze to Leon."I am fine and I wasn't lonely at all, my friends are right there dancing, So basically I don't need a company."you pointed out.

Derek snickered at her response."I can see less. Most of people here find us intimidating to even talk back"

Y/n looked at Derek up and down."I can see that, but whatever they find intimidating, I just find it ironic."

"Did she just dare brother?"Deven turned to Leon.

Leon gave him a smug smile, "She did brother"

"Do you what happened to girls when they disobeyed?they get punished"Derek grinned at y/n.

Y/n started to feel uncomfortable with these three guys Infront of her.She slowly stepped back to run towards sonoko's spot but before she could even step her foot to dash, Derek caught her wrist in a speed.Y/n let out a gasped of surprise.

Derek smiled at her when she turned around trying to move her wrist away."You know the one who's playing hard to get will always be the sweetest prey"he said.

"let go of me"y/n demanded and tried another time to took her wrist away from his grip.

"not so fast sweetheart, we just wanted to offer you some company you know.That was quite rude refusing it for your own good"Deven says, Leon and him moved forward to you.

Deven held your chin up."Chin up princess, or your crown slips"

𝑺𝒉𝒆'𝒔 𝒂 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚, Deven thought in his mind.

"Yes that's it, don't fight back.Just be like those other girls who's sweet and submissive and nothing will happen to you"Leon

Y/n shot him a glare."Not all girls are made of sugar, spice and everything nice, imbecile.Try to comprehend that others are made of sarcasm, wine, and everything fine"

"oh so you think you're one of those girls who's made of that wine shits?you can't even got out of my grip lady"derek mocked.

His gripped tightened in her wrist, it was hurting her.Before y/n can let a cry of help, a hand planted in Derek's shoulders.

"Sir, I suggest you let go of her before it's too late for you"

One chapter update for today everyone, so sorry I've been quite busy this week:((

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One chapter update for today everyone, so sorry I've been quite busy this week:((

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now