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𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 10 𝒚𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒈𝒐
𝑭𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒌𝒔 𝒑𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒅

Second persons POV

It's been four weeks, or a month now since Mikey broke up with you. You tried to search for him in school to have a proper conversation because you were still bug about his reason.

Something was off and you wanted to know what it is.You know there is another reason why he broke up with you but you couldn't catch him to school. Not even Draken after his recovery. You barely see his friends in school, and if you did like this last time when you saw mitsuya and takemitchi, you asked them about Mikey's well and they simply answered you that he was okay.

But when you asked where he was and you wanted to talk to him, they just turned you down. It made you fully think that something was really off.

There is no nights that you missed Mikey. His laugh, his smile, his face, his kiss, hug, the sudden Burst out of mathematics equation, the moment that both of you shared, you missed all of it.His words were till hunting you in your sleep, leaving you almost rot alone in your room staring at the ceiling.

You were still hurt, everytime you remember his words your knees would go weak. Your eyes will form tears. Even Emma chan doesn't answer your calls whenever you tried to call her in any telephone station in the street.

Whole your life, you never felt so empty. You never felt so hunted down and broken.

For the past weeks you did your best to try and forget about what happened but you just can't. You still love him, joining in any mathematics quiz bee, joining music club and learn instruments, read books and anything you can distract yourself with.

You just can't easily forget, you loved him dearly.You couldn't hate him for breaking up with you because you were certain that there is more reason, a worth reason why he broke up with you and he doesn't want to tell. Whatever it is, or should you say you were having an idea. You respect his decision.

It made you think about this conclusion that he broke up with you because of what happened to Draken.Draken was so precious to him, you weren't sure but yet maybe he broke up with you because he doesn't want you to be the bait or use you by his enemies.

In short, he broke up with you to protect you from his enemies. You weren't sure of that conclusion but if it was really, then you respect his decision. You will still continue to love him in your heart.

"congrats y/n- chan! You aced it again!"your mathematics teacher Ms. Judie praised you for another mathematics quiz bee that you joined in and became the top 1.

"Thank you Ms. Judie, I wouldn't make it without your teachings!"you bowed slightly.

Ms. Judie hit your shoulders jokingly. "Heh!you really know how to make me blush. Why don't we celebrate? Where do you want to eat? Or your favourite restaurant perhaps?my treat"


"come on, don't be shy. I got it all"she winked.

Ms. Judie is always like this, she vibed with the students. Kind and easy to approach to. She wouldn't allow anyone to ditch her offer so you accept her invitation.

She took you to a ramen shop since you requested it and it's been awhile since you last taste the savor of ramen.

The two of you were sat, facing each other after ms.judie ordered the food.The ramen shop was also a memorable place to you, sometimes Mikey will take you in the same ramen shop that you and Ms. Judie were in now.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now