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Second Persons POV

Unsure to decide, Mikey sat down his chair inside his office in bontens head quarters.What happened last night with you is probably the most wonderful night he had for ten years.All those years he felt so hopeless, demure, alone, and lifeless.

You were just the only reason why he keeps living even in the shadows.Your comatose state drives him insanely, truly apologitic if he only didn't leave you that night it probably wouldn't happen to you.Just witnessing you living your daily life now like nothing just happened ten years back when you got hit by a truck and change your whole living made him feel very guilty.

Just how he witnessed you smile at him without a worry in the world, without knowing who'm he truly are, without knowing everything about the main reason why he broke ties with you that night.Probably if he didn't,you won't be lost in the thoughts of the modern world right now.

Mikey let out a heavy sighed.For how long he will keep his identify hidden from you?sooner or later he was certain you will find it out if you happened to check news on television and got a hold of one of the crimes they committed.The authorities never failed to flashed a photo of the leader of the most wanted criminals organization.

As for now that Mikey was close to you, he started overthink about what you will see to him or consider him as different whenever you found out about his true identity.More over, will you be angry at him?Mikey waited for so many years to talk to you, he did all he can to visit you everyday in the hospital.Hoping you will wake up one of the days that he will come to visit.When your parents died, he did his best to take care of you.

He payed the hospital bills, gave you the medical treatment you need, visit you everyday without his executives noticing his disappearance when he started Bonten.His heart never giving up and hoping for you to wake up, you were the one left for him after all the people he treasured was taken away.

All those lies he told you the time he broke with you was all made up.He did to protect you from his enemies after he was threatened that they will kill you next after Draken.Mikey was still young back then, he can't afford to lose his first love because of him, it was you.All these years it was you who reigned on his heart.

Even if after the both of you broke up, he secretly follows you around without you knowing.He chatted with your classmates for updates about you, how you were doing at school and every time he found out you won another mathematics quiz bee or competition,he was very happy for the achievements you achieve.He continued loving you without showing he's hurt and affected.

You are the only one for his heart and now that you're finally awake, he started the planned to visit the coffee shop you're working in.He wanted to make sure you're alright, check you everyday while having a reason to buy his daily coffee.Mikey resorted to things like ordered his mensto creep on your house to install spy cameras so he will know your every move.He can't afford to get you hurt this time that he finally had the chance to look after you without you knowing.

He started wondering how long he will keep his secret with him.The urge to hold you on hi arms the first time he saw you in the coffee shop when he got soaked by the rain, it's uncontrollable.But he held himself back, it's hard since he just got the news that you started working there.He knew he have to see you.Too bad his car's wheel broke down and he have to run his was to the coffee shop in the midst of hard rain.

Manjiro looked at the huge screen right Infront of him as his arms stretched out to reach for the remote on his pockets.A sight of you reading books at your living room warmed his heart.

Your figure twisting as you giggled while you were reading the book you were holding made his lips twitched into a smile.Oh, how he missed your innocent joyful smile.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now