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Y/N's pov

That very afternoon, I was busy mopping the floor of the coffee shop after many students from highschool came inside to order and do their group studies, they left the coffee shop full of their dirt.

I wiped my sweat, I decided to just clean the whole place to make it even more neat and tidy to look.

As well as the windows.I only stopped when I'm satisfied with my work, that's when the coffee shop door opened.

"Greetings!"i averted my eyes to the door while still holding the mop in my hands.I just finished sweeping the floor again. "oh it's you"

The white haired man from yesterday just came inside.Our eyes meet instantly.

"Good afternoon"he mouthed and walked towards the counter.

I immediately brought the mop back to the kitchen and washed my hands.I was wiping my both hands with a towel as I faced him in the counter.

"what can I get you today?"i asked setting the towel aside that I used to wipe my hands.

"A large Cappuccino please, and two doriyaki's.Dine in"he answered.

I nodded, "that would be all ten dollars"

"Here"he handed me fifty dollar bill again.

I took it from his hands and handed him the change that quick.

"Keep the change"he said when I was about to reach his change to him.

I my voice got stuck in my throat.He was really giving a huge tip! I felt embarrassed for some reason or he was just being nice?

"And here's the umbrella I borrowed yesterday, I'd like to return this"he showed the huge paper bag he was holding and simply placed it above the counter.

I stared at the umbrella.

"Also, sorry for being quite rude yesterday.I had a bad day and it affects my mood terribly"he added.

My face looked up to him.Again, I was mesmerized by his void looking eyes."I-its okay..I very well agree that our mood gets affected when we are having a rough day"

He nodded, he took a sit in one of the tables to wait for his order and i proceed to make it.Once I was done, I got out of the counter and walked towards his table to put his orders down.

"Enjoy"i smiled before going back to the counter.

Sighing, I decided to wipe the tile of the machine counter.It was a bit messy so it give me a reason to do so.The silent was deadly, good thing the coffee shop has a mini radio.

It won't be a sin if I turned it on some entertainment, right?

After I cleaned the counter up, I walked towards the shelve where the radio was located and pressed the on button.A song started playing.

Since it ranned out of cookies, I started to make some while humming along with the song.

"she's ready, she's steady, she's up on her feet, dancing on the water with her own kind of beat"i hummed along.

"She's in it, she's on it, she's rocking her skills~ Tearin' up the current like the girls got gills~"

I proceed to make the cookies while I'm humming the song along, not even bothered that the white haired man was caught by my sudden actions.

"Pop up, lean in, side to side, lay back, hang ten, go for a ride~"

"Catch that curl, get into the tube~ do the mahi mahi make your tail fin move ~ she's the queen of the wave~"

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now