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Second persons POV
The Following week

The following week your life cycle remains the same.Wake up early to do chores, go off to work early before the clock strikes one, serve customers, get accompanied by your daily white haired male customer, prepare his usual order, after that clean the coffee shop then closed it once the clock strikes eight pm in the evening.The cycle repeats the next day, even tho it's always the same, having someone to talk your day about gives light.You always shared what happened everyday in your usual routine whenever Mikey asked you about it, and you admit…it's really okay to let someone know and to share your thoughts with even tho sometimes the experiences can be bad and disastrous.

Sharing someone about some sort of things you're interested about is somehow felt like you're accepted.It’s a strange feeling yet you like it, you've always thought you're kind of weird being so good at math in a young age before but you love math and numbers.You don't have any problem dealing with it and even won many math contest in highschool and elementary.You’re happy for the achievements you achieve even tho sometimes your elementary classmates joked about you being a weirdo just because you're good at that subject.

You still even remember that Mikey often compliments you about it, he keeps telling you that they are just envy about what you can achieve and what talent do you have.That boy, he's so precious to you.And to be honest, you missed him alot.You don't have any idea where is he now, what he was doing, what does he looks like now, is he the same appearance of Mikey that he was before? there's so many questions running inside your head but you didn't know the answers.

You wondered many possible scenarios inside your head, the mystery of the reason why he broke up with you isn't clear to you, is the reason he said that he doesn't want you anymore is the main reason why he broke up with you?Sometimes it made you think there's another woman behind it, you believe in Mikey's promise to marry you someday yet that night broke everything up.Even tho the reason is hazzy, you don't believe he's telling the truth.You don't have any clue but you overthink too much about it before.Now that you finally woke up, and it's Ben years and he probably have move on about the incident…you made up your mind to move on about what happened ten years ago.

It's been years, he probably even forget about you but you just wanted to know how he was doing, that's all.You still love him but you can't always keep your feelings lock on him knowing you're not sure if he feels the same way if the two of you meet again.Ten years is a wide range of time, he probably moved forward.You just hope he was doing well and in good shape, you've always known he was lazy.

It's Sunday, you don't have work so you decided to visit your parents grave.Before you went there, you bought a basket of freshly picked flowers and some food for them.You spend your time in the cemetery where they are buried, talking to them, sharing your experiences in France weeks ago and how you are thankful that Kyo (Mikey) brought you there.

You spend the rest half of the afternoon in the cemetery, when the sky was slowly getting replaced by the moon when you decided to go home, but an idea struck you.You’ve always wanted to have your personal phone.Way back ten years ago, you don't have one but sometimes you borrowed your mom's phone.Since the world have changed into modernist, the phones you see from other people are touched screen and not keypads.You thought about it since you started working, you really somehow need it for your personal matters aside from contacts to other people.

Since you don't have much to do when you get home, you wondered if you can check some phones out in the mall and when you're fixed enough to buy one, then you'll have it tomorrow.A cab dropped you off to one of the malls in the city, aftering paying up, you stepped out and took the tracks inside.The cold air hit your skin, it wasn't that much cold since you're wearing a sweater and jeans.

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