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Somewhere in Japan
Abandon warehouse...

Mikey walked through the dark floor of the warehouse.The cold wind hit his skin firmly as he continue to step his foot on in the wooden floor of the old and abandon structure until he his eyes spotted figures of persons across the room.

He stopped and narrowed his eyes.It was dark and suddenly the light of the moon escaped through the huge hole above them giving a glimpse of natural light.Now he can see clearly who are those standing persons.

His eyes filled with anger and demise as he spotted you being tied up beside the tall man holding a gun in his left hands.He smug grin crossed his face as soon as he saw Mikey across the natural moonlight.

Mikey held himself to attack the man, he had y/n by his side and a gun.Wrong move and you will die.He had her blindfolded yet he knew that you'll listen through the entire conversation.

“How are you, Manjiro?“Nobuyuki broke the silence.His smug grin disappeared when Mikey didn't respond and just stared at him.

The side of Nobuyuki's forehead popped a vein.He didn't understand how Mikey can just stand there looking so nonchalant.He had his girl right next to him and in no time he will slaughtered the two in his hands and achieve his goal.

But how can Mikey just stand there staring at him.

Nobuyuki harshly pulled you closer to him.He removed your blind fold off, revealing your entirely bruised face.As you slowly getting the place clarified in your eye sight despite the purple black eyes, you spotted Mikey across the room.He was standing there and looking at you.

He stared at you for a few more seconds before turning his attention back to Nobuyuki.

“So, you're the master mind of all those crimes you committed against us”Mikey spoke.

Nobuyuki clicked his tongue multiple times shaking his head.“Grudges are forever be felt.”he responded.

“Too bad you're gonna feel it forever.”

Nobuyuki furrows then a slight laugh left his mouth.“Becareful of what you're saying sano, it might be your last words.”

“I can say the same for you.”

Nobuyuki's grin disappeared.He can't stand how nonchalant and unbothered Mikey is right now.It made him even more angrier but he didn't showed it through his expressions.

A stern smile left his lips.He keep his cool calm even tho he wanted to shot Mikey in the head right now.He stopped himself because he has something to do that's even more painful.Nobuyuki pushed you in the floor of the structure you're standing in.

It made you sat down the while being leashed on.He pointed his gun at your legs and pulled the trigger, you screamed how excruciating the pain is panting for air.

“Dont threaten me Sano.I can do things imaginable”Nobuyuki said.

Tears started flowing down your eyes as you look at your injury.Red liquid started escaping your skin and you barely lift it due to how painful it is.You bit your lower lip trying to move your legs closer to you.

“I can simply do the same”Mikey said.

It made you titled your head towards him, he responded.You looked back to Nobuyuki, fear conquered you as your body started trembling.

His demeanor is very dark, you wanted to crawl away from him expecting the man to shot you again.

“You really don't care if I kill this bitch Infront of you huh?”Nobuyuki hissed.

“How immature of you to take her to all of this”mikey responded.

“You killed my brother…”

“He’s a traitor.”

“And I'll have the left of your love onces killed aswell.Death is not enough for you Manjiro, you will know my pain.”

Silence followed next. You can't take your eyes off Mikey, he didn't spare a glance at you this time and his full attention is on Nobuyuki. Then your face made a confused look when Mikey suddenly smiled.

A smug smile.

Right after that smile, you started hearing noises behind you. You titled your head at your back, Nobuyuki's men's behind him starting to fall off the ground. You low gasped escaped your mouth.

Before you knew it, someone pulled you up and started dragging you to the other side of the room with your wounded leg.You yelp in pain yet your eyes caught a glimpse of chaos had started inside the room.

Your attention shifted to person who's carrying you.You don't recognize him, but he carried you through his shoulders.You back facing his back body and your legs are in the front.

He started running.“Let me go!”you yelled punching his back, not minding your wounds aching.

You tried to get off his grip yet he was stronger than you even tho he was running in a speed.You yelped kicking and lunching him but it just made your legs hurt even more.Eyes starting to get blurry due to the tears that escaped your eyes.

“Let me go you—ahh!”you hissed when he suddenly collapsed through the ground and let go of you.Your legs landed in the floor making you screamed at the top of your lungs.

You felt your mind getting hazzy.You’re loosing too much blood, you look you through your injury you can't help but cry and yelped in pain.Hearing the exchanges of gunshots and screams, you know you have to get up because you won't be safe.

Black spots started showing through your eyesight yet your forced yourself to stand. It made your injury released much more of your red liquid.Biting your lower lip, you forced your might to walk but your body suddenly lifted through the ground.

As you looked to the person who lift you up, your sight fully got covered of black spots.Making your vision turned black and lost your consciousness.

Sanzu brows furrows.“Silly girl, she know she have injury yet forced herself to stand.Look at her loosing blond and staining my pants..”he said carrying you on his embrace.

He's even more worried about his pants than not getting caught by jikugo's members.He’s bonten number two anyways, a murderer maniac like him should not get under estimated.

He’s bonten number two anyways, a murderer maniac like him should not get under estimated

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