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Second Person POV

Mikey brought you to a cafe restaurant in the city.The one he got your approved with to try and check the resto out.The ambience of the restaurant is very welcoming and more on historical designs.

Even the table, chairs, interiors, and the things inside is inspired of history prolly in medieval period.Really different from the other modern restaurants.

The windows are open, the roses and flowers were freshly picked, the tables were made of concrete, the chairs are like those royal chairs back in the medieval era.

You were empress of the uniqueness of the place.The staffs are very welcoming and polite.You and Mikey sat down the medieval kind concrete table, you meet his eyes and smiled at him.

"It's beautiful in here"you stated totally empress.

"Yes, I suppose"he settled himself in his seat and raised his hand to call a waiter.

Sooner a waiter came into your table and his holding a note on his hand and a pen was tucked in his brown apron.

"Good morning ma'am, sir, what can I serve you today?"the waiter flashed a friendly smile and handed a white folder of menu's to each of you.

You scanned the menu in your hands.Sure the dishes are quite amusing and sounds unfamiliar to you.The best part is, you don't know what they look like or even have any idea what to they taste like.

Your eyes averted to Mikey, he was busy looking at the menu folder he was holding and once he was done picking his choice of food, he faced the waiter and started speaking, "I'll have chicken confit, french onion soup, and a glass of water"

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕?!you shrieked in your mind.

"Very well sir"the waiter then turned to you after taking a note of Mikey's order."and for you ma'am?"he asks

You blinked in an instant, unable to pronounce the words written in the folder.Mikey must have noticed your anxiousness and unable to focus your mind to pronounce the words written in the paper.

"I'll order for her"he stated

You immediately raised your head up with a questioning eyes.The waiter turned his gaze back to Mikey, he started reading the menu again and spoke afterwards, "Let the lady have french onion soup, lamb shank navarin and boeuf bourguinon.Also, I'll add two cups of café au Lait then a glass of water."

The waiter nodded, taking all the note of the order."Thank you for ordering ma'am, sir, I'll be right back with your meals"he then you excused himself.

As soon as the waiter left, you opened your mouth to speak."That was alot of food you ordered for me."

"I wanted you to try one of their delicious meals so why not.Maybe you'll crave for it when we go back home in japan"he answered.

"speaking of that, when are we going back to Japan?Sonoko must be really getting hard on the coffee shops work while studying"you utter worriedly to the poor working student.

"Well, I have a business deal to be made here so we'll might stay here for one week.Is that fine to you?"

Your lips curved into a small smile."Mhm, that's fine.."yet you are worried about sonoko left in the coffee shop alone.

But little did you know that Mikey hired someone to replace you at the time being. He knows you were great friends with that sonoko girl you were referring too and you're worried about her carrying the work alone in the cafe so Mikey made a plan to at least ease your worryness without you knowing about it.

Aphonic Devotion • Manjiro Sano Where stories live. Discover now