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Second persons POV

Mitsuya probably must have lost his sense of hearing. He stared at your figure for a split of seconds, blinking his eyes when you jokingly put your hands above his head and compared your height with his.

He was too speechless as he stared at your face.

"... y/n..? "

"hai ! How are you?It's been awhile mitsu-"

"is that really you?"

A smile formed at your lips. "yep, thank God I finally woke up after ten years"you chuckled.

Mitsuya shook his head. "It was no joke y/n, ten years of coma.. everyone was worried about you"

"They are? I'm glad, how they are doing? Emma chan? Draken Kun? How's Mikey? Where are they now?"you asked continuously.

"they're... in a good place now"his voice was down, it was enough reason for you to think that something happened in all those ten years that you were asleep.

"In a good place?"you asked.

Mitsuya sighed heavily, "after your accident many things happened. For the worst, Emma died, and Draken too. And Mikey's half blood brother was killed also in the fight between toman and tenjiku which his half brother owned. After the chaos that happened, Mikey decided to leave toman.He created a new gang, takemitchi tried to win him back but his depression conquer him. Now, me and the other ex-members of toman don't know where he is"he explained.

His explanation got you speechless.

"Its been years since it all happened.."mitsuya added.

"you... don't know where is Mikey now?"your voice was trembling, as if it was stuck in your throat and mitsuya simply shook his head.

Your mind was at shock at the news. Your brain was trying to process every little information that came out from mitsuya.

"Since when did you wake up y/n?"

"a.. few weeks ago"you answered,your mind was still hazy.

Mitsuya nodded. "I guess I made you shock for telling you about it, I'm sorry y/n"

"It's okay.. it's fine... you don't have to say sorry. It's just I'm, I don't expect it.. at all. I thought everyone was living well, I am hoping they're in a good shape"your eyes were forming tears, you sniffed.

Mitsuya smiled thriftly. "Everyone was living well, expect for Mikey. I know he was having a hard time right now, god knows where he is"

Your head nodded slowly.

You felt a dagger was stabbed in your heart, not just that Emma and Draken died but Mikey. A part of you wanted to find him and take care of him, just thinking how depressed he was for loosing his younger sibling made your heart sank down.

It's more excruciating than having a heart disease. You couldn't imagine how he was coping up with what happened. He must be really crushed deeply.

"I'm sorry y/n, I know how precious is Mikey for you"mitsuya patted your shoulders.

You bit your lower lip as you look down. Helding your tears to fall down.

𝒀𝒆𝒔, 𝒉𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒂𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒍𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒆.

"It was so nice meeting you again mitsuya"you mouthed, swallowing your saliva and looked up to him.

"Likewise y/n, I'm glad you're finally awake. I'm sure Mikey will be glad if he knew you already woke up"he smiled.

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