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Second persons POV
Paris, France
8:31 pm

Second persons POV Paris, France8:31 pm

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Mikey brought you to a very peculiar restaurant that by the time you entered the hall, a very elegant melody of music can be heard.You recognize the music everywhere, it's one of the most famous works of Claude Debussy, The Claire de lune.

You're kind of impressed when a few staffs of the place greeted you and Mikey, as if like the were expecting you both by the time you and him stepped inside.

Mikey was the one who ordered the food for the both of you since he's more capable of reading and pronouncing the words written in the menu that one of the staffs handed.

After he spoke all of the foods he wanted for the staffs to serve, a tall man wearing a black suit and tie walked over to the table and greeted Mikey. The man looks more likely a Japanese.

“This is y/n, kotaru.. ”Mikey introduce you to him.

“Pleased to meet you, y/n-chan”kotaru held his hands and then smiled. You smiled back to him and shaked your hands with his. The man is warm and friendly. Handsome in his probably thirties, a good looking male.

Mikey and kotaru made a short conversation, you don't understand what they're talking about since the communication with the french language. You don't have any idea what they are chattering about, not until Mikey turned his head towards you and spoke, “what your favorite song?”he asks.

It gave you a hint that this male named kotaru is probably a pianist hence you didn't hear any music playing anymore.Maybe he was the one who played the Claire de lune by the time you and Mikey entered the place.You glanced at the mini stage where a grand piano was placed.

Kotaru gave you a handsome smile as soon as you titled your eyes back to the male, his eyes were like challenging you to name your favorite song and he will play it gladly.Well, your favorite song is kind of old but you love it since you were young.It was used to be the one that your mother hummed when she was the one who will put you up to sleep.

“It’s love story by Flavio Belardo”you answered.

“Beautiful choice y/n-chan”Kotaru stated.

You gave him a warm smile in return.“Thank you.”

He nodded his head to you before turning his gaze back to Mikey, the white haired male gave him a slight nod then kotaru excused himself away.

Your eyes followed his tracks.“Is he a pianist or a singer?”you asked.

“A pianist, he's the finest that I knew so far”Mikey answered.

“Wow, a Japanese pianist performing in France.What a big pride for Japan”you smiled while your eyes followed the pianist as he sat down the chair Infront of the grand piano.

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