Chapter 47

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Athalia's POV

I paced back and forth, waiting for Caleb to come back home. Sobrang lalim na ng gabi at hindi pa siya umuuwi.

He would usually be home by 8:00PM or 9:00PM but its already 10PM.

I knew I looked ridiculous as I continued to walk back and forth, because Caleb was only an hour late.

The problem was that I had this uneasy feeling that kept me on alert. Besides, Caleb would try to contact and update me in case he's coming home late or there's an emergency at the site but I haven't received a single text or call.

Kinakabahan ako sa hindi malamang dahilan.

I just had this gut feeling of something's wrong. Kahit na pilitin ko na wag intindihin, hindi pa din ako mapakali.

The minutes grew later, and still no sign of him. My worry grew as the night advanced and the house remained silent, anxiousness slowly crept up on me.

I shouldn't have to panic but my heart kept on pounding furiously.

Agad na naagaw ang atensyon ko nang tumunog ang cellphone ko at may lumabas na message notification.

Mabilis kong binuksan iyon sa pag-aakalang nagtext si Caleb pero iba ang bumungad sa akin.

A video from an anonymous account suddenly appeared.

Kumunot ang noo ko nang clinick ko ang video. At ang puso ko ay tila tumigil sa pagtibok kasabay ng pagkatigil ng aking mundo.

Caleb, tied on a chair with handcuffs and a ball gag on his mouth, blindfolded. He had severe injuries as his white polo shirt I prepared for him just this morning was covered with his own blood.

My heart raced as I could hear it pounding on my ear. My body trembled, then a call from Amaris brought me back to my senses.

["Athalia si Artemis! Nakidnap siya! Nakidnap ang anak ko, Athalia!"] hestirical na aniya habang malakas na umiiyak.

This time, my body gave up as I found myself falling to the carpeted floor.

Then another set of pictures sent by the same account. This time it was Artemis tied next to Caleb. They were unconscious since they weren't moving.

With my trembling hands, I forwarded the pictures and videos to HQ. I forced myself to regain composure and prepare.

I grabbed my katana and pulled on my black gear, ensuring that I would be well-equipped and hurriedly drove my motor to La Suera HQ.

I bursted open the door and saw all of them surrounding a laptop.

"Nakita niyo na ba?" seryosong saad ko at lumapit sa kanila.

"Yes senyora. I also tracked down the location and-" naputol ang sasabihin ni Devantara nang biglaang tumunog ang cellphone ko.

It was a message from the anonymous number.


I am expecting you already have the location.

Come here, ALONE, or else I'm going to kill the both of them.

If one of my men saw you with some back ups, I will kill them both before you even have to opportunity to see and rescue them.

I don't want money for ransom. I want you here, I want you Athalia.

Timeless Euphoria (Friend Series #3) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now