Chapter 49

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Athalia's POV

And I woke up, standing at the seashore, my face warm from the sun's shining rays.

The sea glimmered and sparkled, the sun's light beams reflecting off its surface. The smell of the salty air, the tranquil sound of the waves kissing the seashore and the gentle breeze rustling my long hair.

Where am I?


"Ate!" then a familiar voice.

I turned my head to the side, and there she was, running along the seashore, her bare feet brushing up against the waves.

She had a large, wide smile plastered on her face, the wind ruffling her hair as it brushed her face. Wearing a white and flowy dress that hugged her body and danced in the breeze.

Hindi ko mapigilang ngumiti at sinalubong siya ng mahigpit na yakap.

"I missed you ate!" she jumped around like a kid, arms immediately wrapped around me.

"I missed you too, Eulalia," I dug my face more onto her nape and sniffed her scent.

Amoy maasim na baby powder.

She had grown, and we were now the same height.

Although she had matured and her beauty was evident, she still had the youthful glow that belonged to someone in their teenaged years.

I looked at her with the same eyes I had used to gaze upon her when we were younger, my little sis.

I missed her, so damn much.

She feels so alive and I refuse to believe that this is all just a dream.

"Eulalia..." my lips mumbled to call her name.

"Hmm?" she hummed on my neck.

"Eulalia, are you proud of your ate?" panimula ko.

"For once, I became a good person with a heart." I chuckled a bit.

"Finally, I was able to save the person I love after failing to save you. I'm sorry, but ate tried. Hindi ako galit sa'yo dahil sa hindi mo sinabi ang totoo, mas galit ako sa sarili ko kasi pinaramdam ko sa'yo na maaring magalit ako."


"He was the person who finally made me feel valuable and loved. Tama ka, Eulalia. Caleb is the person best for me." I smiled thinking about him.

"For years, I had resented my existence, but he gave me a reason to treasure my life again."

"However, he was inevitably caught in the crossfire of the misfortune that follows me. I was afraid of failing again, just like how I failed you, Eulalia."

"I was afraid at the thought of losing someone else-losing Caleb and Artemis-so I accepted the risk. I surrendered myself, even if my life was at stake, because I didn't want to lose people I cared for."

"I've already lost you, so I couldn't bear the thought of losing Caleb and Artemis too. They deserve to live, while a heartless person like me doesn't."

"Despite my sorrow and guilt, I'm happy and proud of myself for rescuing him and Artemis. For once, I was able to save them from the misfortune that I carry."

Mahabang kwento ko, nakayakap pa din sa kanya. I still recalled the excitement and elation I felt back then, whenever we would talk nonstop about endless things, it was like we were transported to a distant and nostalgic past.

Timeless Euphoria (Friend Series #3) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now