Finding Out.

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Turns out, he had worked overnight. He had even picked out important points to include on the project and prepared the presentation. I, for one, was very surprised.

"You've proven yourself, Liam." I said. He smiled at me and bowed. "I let you down. I felt awful for it." "I don't understand."

"Caleb and I talked it over. He knows he fucked up before and he was sorry. And he didn't want it to happen to me either. I'm blind to see it. But I know I hurt you. I feel awful for it."

I studied his face, trying to see if it was all a joke or not. But he was for real. He was serious. I think that terrified me.

"Thank you, Liam." He smiled. "Listen, I have a party this Friday. You wanna come by?" He asked. "You want me there?" "Yeah, it could be the start of our friendship." "You're way ahead." I smirked.

"Call it a night?" He asked. I nodded. I gathered up my things and I walked to the car. He unlocked it and we got inside, buckling up.

"So? Where's your car?"

"Kelsie took it. She's keeping it for a while." "And your sister?"

"How do you know I have a sister?"

"We see you. You always wait for her in your car." "Right. Kelsie dropped her a few minutes ago." I smirked.

"So, where to?"

"Just drop me home." "Yes, ma'am."

He started the car and he drove to my home. "So, are you gonna come to the party?" He asked. "Maybe. If I'm free." "Need me to pick you up?" He smirked.

"I can drive by myself, Liam. Plus I would have to pick Kelsie up too." "Well, if that's how it is, girl or girl action?" He asked, smirking. "You'd never get to see it."

He gasped, hurt. "So it's real?" "It's your imagination, Liam." I laughed at him and looked away. He pulled over at my house and I stared at it. My heart hurt so bad looking there.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I got out of the car. "No thanks?" "Bite me." He smirked. "If you let me." I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the house.

The door swung open and dad glared at me.

"No. No. I didn't do shit. Leave me alone." I said.

"You've been taking money from me?" "What?! I live in your house! Why would I need money?!" I asked. He took a step forward and stared down at me. "Don't lie to me."

"I'm not!" I said. I opened my arms wide, trying to convince this dumb fuck that I didn't take any cash from him. It seemed like he had a problem with me everyday.

"You took me to my room last night. I know you did." I glared at him. "I said I didn't. Stop!"

He slapped me across the face and I took a step back. "Hey!" I turned around and I saw Liam running towards me.

"What the fuck, man?" He yelled, clenching his fists by his side. "Who the fuck are you?" Dad asked.

"I'm the fuck who's gonna beat the shit outta you!" He threatened. "No, Liam. Go home." "Listen to her, kid. It's not your issue." Dad said.

Liam stared at me and I nodded, telling him to leave. Of course, the disobedient little shit stood in front of me. "No one hits a woman! It's a fact!" He yelled.

Dad raised his fist and I pulled Liam back, instead hitting my face. I fell to the floor and Liam stared at me. "The fuck?! I'm saving you! Not sacrificing you!" He yelled.

"Stop! Dad! He has nothing to do with this. Leave him." I said. Dad grabbed Liam by his shirt and punched him in the face. "Oh for fu-"

"What the fuck?!" I heard Caleb's voice echo from the back. Blood fucking hell.

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