An Ally.

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I got up from the floor and I slowly walked to the couch. I sat down and flipped through Netflix trying to find something nice to see. I settled for watching Friends, my comfort show.

I feel I had constantly been crying for god knows how long but it was like the saying don't cry over spilled milk. I figured I had to plan it out and know what to do next.

So the next step had already been made for me. I'd find a lawyer and hopefully let them ease me off. If that doesn't happen, I can choose my alternate solution.

I was worried for Elora. She was just a kid. She was gonna turn 10 soon and she was old enough to know what was going on. I trust her enough to know she'd never snitch on me.

I had to make it through this year at least but it just had to be in the middle of the school year that this happened. Fucking hell.

El deserved so much better. Her asshole son of a bitch father left her before he could even see her. Her asshole mother left because she found another man again. What bullshit is this?

And El? She was just a fucking kid and she had to experience such cruelty. Exposed herself to drastic measures to a point where she could have possibly cried in her pillow to stop seeing me get beat up.

It was unfair.

I pushed my thoughts away and focused on the show. I randomly watched the Episode when they all accused Chandler of being gay and I think that was one of my personal favourites.

I laughed alone, realising I could possibly be left all alone in this world and it wouldn't matter. If I knew the people I cared about were safe, that's all it mattered to me.

The door opened and I felt a hand on my head. I looked up to see Caleb grinning at me. He had changed his clothes and his hair was all damp.

He wore his black tight fitting shirt and a pair of faded jeans and vans sneakers. He jumped over the couch and landed beside me.

"Hey!" He said.

"Hey. Took you long enough." I said. He chuckled and shrugged. "Sorry, I wanted to use up my time in the bathroom." I rolled my eyes. "Gross."

He laughed. "Right, gross. Says you." I smirked and elbowed him gently.

"Friends? Really?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm just thinking." "About what?"

"Everything. I'm sure they know about the boy who died. And now dad. And...they're sure as hell not letting me go."

"But it was self defence." "The other wasn't."

"It could count as!"

"Caleb, I have to be logical. And I've been doing some logical thinking. And..."

"And what?"

"I'm gonna sell this house." "Are you sure?" I nodded.

"I think it's legit. I can find a buyer. Probably someone who's really rich and I can sell it off." "Where are you gonna stay?" "I don't know. I don't think it's necessary. I have a car."

He sighed. "Stay with me. For the time being?" I looked at him and I smiled. "So we're moving in?" I laughed. He shrugged. "Can't leave you homeless."

I sighed. "Maybe. But I gotta do it ASAP." "Don't worry. Lots of rich people around." I smiled and nodded.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No, Nina dropped by. She brought us food. I was gonna eat it with you if you're hungry." "Damn right I am."

I chuckled. He got up and came back with the casserole in his hands. "Wow." He uttered, opening it and taking in the wonderful smell of rice and chicken.

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