Movie Night.

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I stood outside of the movie theater with Elora, waiting for the others to show up.

"I swear if they stand me up I'm gonna kill them." I growled. "Look! There they are!" El pointed through the crowd at the pair walking towards me.

Caleb grinned at me, sporting a black t-shirt and blue jeans below his leather jacket. Liam wore a simple blue shirt and dark pants.

"Where have you been!" I burst out, stomping my feet.

"Sorry! I know we're late. But Mr. I-Can't-Find-My- Shoes- Anywhere was nagging me." Caleb pointed at Liam. I glared at him. "I've been here for 45 minutes."

"Where's Kelsie?" "She went inside to flirt with the popcorn man." I rolled my eyes. "Jeez that girl is relentless." I nodded.

We went inside and I grabbed Kelsie from the boy at the popcorn stand.

"Call me!" She said, as I dragged her away.

"The boys are here. Come on."

"I can't believe we have to do this. I thought it'll be over once your dad was in jail."

"Same." I smirked.

We went inside and I spotted the boys at the top row. "Come on. They're up there." We went up and I sat in between Caleb and Liam.

"It's the previews." Caleb said. "Who's got the popcorn?" I asked.

"Liam." I looked over and Liam had a seat beside him full of snacks. "Oh my god. Are we rich or what?" I smirked. Liam chuckled and soon enough the movie started.

"What's this movie called?" I whispered to Caleb.

"Homewrecker." "Wow. Something my mom would do." I smirked. He chuckled and nudged my arm off the arm chair.

"This is mine!" I hissed. "I got here first."

I rolled my eyes. I pushed his hand off and I grabbed the armchair tight. He poked my rib and I giggled, retracting my arm to protect myself.

He smirked and placed his arm on the chair. "I'm smarter." I rolled my eyes. I placed my arm on top of him and I smirked. "So am I."

"You know I still have the dress I bought for you." Liam whispered in my ear. I looked at him, raising my eyebrows.

"You should give it to one of your girlfriends, Lee." He smirked. "I did. But she wouldn't take it." He wiggled his eyebrows.

I chuckled. "I'm not taking it. It's so revealing!"

"I can't wear it! It's too tight!" I giggled and gently elbowed him in the ribs. "I'd kill to see you wear that."

"I will for you, if you come over." He winked. Gag. "Disgusting. Shut up and watch the movie!"


We watched the movie in silence before Liam leaned over to me. "Do you like this movie?" He whispered. "It's okay." He smirked and moved back to his seat.

"Hey, I'm gonna go get some air." Caleb said. He got up before I could say anything. We watched him leave the room and I furrowed my brows. The fuck is wrong with these dumb asses?

Liam took my hand in his and he smiled. "He'll be okay." He said. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, he just gets claustrophobic."

I frowned and turned to the door.

"I gotta go see him."

"It's fine, Cora." I pulled my hand away from him and I frowned. "I'll be back." I pushed past Kelsie and she scoffed. "Bitch!" "Shut up. Watch the kid for me."

I walked down the steps and headed for the door. I looked around but I couldn't see him anywhere. Oh fuck. I hope he didn't leave.

I stormed outside to see him leaning over the electric pole.

I gently touched his shoulder. "Caleb?" He turned around instantly and I took a step back, appalled. His face was all flustered and bright red. I noticed his blood shot eyes.

"What are you doing here?" "Well, you stormed out and I was worried about you. I-"

"You were worried about me?" I furrowed my brows and I smiled. "Yeah, Caleb. You're my friend. I have to worry about you."

He raked his fingers through his hair and he sighed. "I'm sorry. I just got claustrophobic there."


"What's going on?" I asked, pulling his face to look at me. He stared at me directly into my eyes and his lips quivered.

"My dad is getting remarried." He said.

"Ohh shit. I'm so sorry. Come here." I wrapped my arms around him and he held me tight.

"I hate the man so much. But whatever he does affects me, Coco. I really wanna forget about him." I frowned and I held him closer to me.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. Dad's aren't great for either of us. But you know what? I'm here for you. You got friends. You got your mom. Their power together with yours makes him look like a pea."

He chuckled and buried his face in the crook of my neck.

"Okay." He uttered. I smiled and I rubbed his back gently. "It's gonna be okay, Caleb." I pulled away and I lifted his chin up to meet my gaze.

"We're gonna be okay. Screw that guy. He deserves the worst. You deserve the best. Don't ever think about what can hurt you. Think about what you can do with your power."

He nodded and smiled at me. "Thank you, Coco."

"Don't thank me anymore." I patted his arm and took his hand. "Come on, I wanna see the end of the movie. Is she gonna kill him or not." He laughed out loud and I chuckled.

I made him laugh. Mission accomplished.


The movie was over and we walked outside with crumbs all over our clothes. "Well, that was fun." Kelsie said, sarcastically. "Mm." I raised my eyebrows.

"It wasn't so bad." Liam said. I rolled my eyes. "It was okay. But your talking didn't help." I grinned. He rolled his eyes. "I was making conversation."

"We were watching a movie!"


"Anyway, I think I'm gonna go. We all got school and I'm sure El's gonna wake late."

"Can you drop me off?" Caleb asked. "Sure. Kelsie? Are you coming with me?"

"Nah, I'll hitch a ride with Liam. We live close by anyway." "Alright then. See ya."

I took El's hand and the three of us headed for my car. We got in and Caleb sat beside me.

"Are you okay now?" I asked him.

He nodded. "Yeah, I'll be fine. It's just overwhelming."

"I understand." I started the car and I drove away from the lot.

"So he left when you was 13. What did he do?"

"He didn't love my mom anymore. I really looked up to him, Coco. But he just snapped my heart and walked away. I figured he'd found someone else. He didn't. He just bought a yacht and humped girls constantly. And now..."

He threw his hands up in the air. "He's settling down. I don't know what my mom must be feeling like." I frowned. "I'm sorry, Caleb. I know how shitty parents can be. But our only biggest wish is that we don't turn into them."


We stayed silent in the car and I pulled over at his house.

"You're gonna be okay?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yeah. I'll see you tomorrow." "Okay."

"Bye, kiddo." He waved at El. She waved back at him and he turned around and disappeared into his house. I sighed and headed to mine.

"Is he gonna be okay?" She asked.

"He will. He's a strong boy. He's not alone. Not anymore."


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