Stitches. 🌶️

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I snaked my arm around his torso and I kissed his jawline gently. He sucked in air suddenly and he squeezed my hips tight.

"Stop that, baby." He whispered.

"Make me." I peppered kisses on his neck and I stared at him. He stared back at me with his ocean eyes and he spun me around, pinning me on the bed.

He locked his hands with mine, kissing my lips aggressively before proceeding to spray kisses on my neck and chest. I moaned softly under my breath, aroused by his touch.

He kissed my breasts and sucked on my nipples, making me bit my lip and arch my back, shoving it further inside his mouth.

He looked up at me and he caressed his member against my delicate area.

"Caleb, please..."

"God, I love it when you beg me." He whispered, kissing my stomach. I watched him as he travelled down further, kissing my legs and my thighs.

His hands travelled down my body, flicking my hard nipples in his fingers and grabbing my waist.

"You're so beautiful, Cora." He said, staring at me. I looked at him with utter fear for what he might do in future. Possibly use me? Is that it?

He bent down and he kissed me gently again. I closed my eyes and I tangled my fingers in his hair, grabbing it tight and deepening the kiss.

I knew I was falling for him. And I was terrified of it. Who falls in love with their bully? That's absolutely absurd.

He pulled away and smiled at me.

"I'll be gentle. After all, it has been a while." He smirked.

I nodded, biting my lip.

He hovered above me, ready to enter me. He slid in his tip and I exhaled, staring at him. I nodded, confirming to proceed.

He slid it inside me and I gasped, throwing my head back. The feeling that ran through my veins was incredible. He slowly thrusted inside of me and I stared at him, grabbing the sheets.

"Oh, fuck..." I whispered. He bent down and kissed my lips again, grabbing my neck. I moaned in his mouth as he moved a little faster. I panted, clenching myself.

"Caleb!" I called out. I clawed his back as he thrusted violently inside of me, causing me to have continuous orgasms. He didn't stop, I knew he enjoyed watching me lose my shit.

He slowed down and he stood at the foot of the bed. He pulled my legs towards him and he kissed my clit again. I exhaled, watching him lick my juices off.

He stood up and he slid inside me again.


"Fuck, I love it when you say my name, Cora." He thrusted inside me faster and harder and I felt my own soul leave my body. He pushed my legs apart and grabbed them tight, entering me fully.

I threw my head back, cumming again.

"Oh fuck!!" I screamed, closing my eyes. He thrusted one more time before groaning in pleasure.

He pulled away and I laid, tired and exhausted. He came back with a towel in his hand ans he wiped me up. He lifted me up and he laid down next to me, smiling.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded, smiling.

"That was incredible, Caleb." He stared at me and I stared back. He bit his lip and he leaned down, gently pressing his lips against mine.

I cupped his cheek, kissing him back and deepening the kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and I knew what I wanted. Him. Whatever it took.

He pulled away and he smiled.

"You are amazing." I smiled and kissed him. "So are you."

He chuckled and hugged me again. I winced in pain and he pulled away. "Oh! Are you okay?" He asked.

"No, it's my stitches." I said, looking down at my leg. He gasped and got off the bed, staring at my bleeding foot.

"Oh my god!!" He ran to the bathroom and I stared, surprised.

"Caleb? What are you doing?"

"I'm finding a kit!" "Caleb! There isn't one!"

"What?!" He ran back to the room and he stared at me.

"No kit? What am I gonna do?!" He asked. I chuckled.

"Calm down. Go to the kitchen, one of the bags is from the hospital, it's got everything."

"Okay!" He ran as fast as he could, buck naked and perfect. I smiled, admiring just how beautiful he and his body were. Incredible.

It was like the body of a Greek god. Mesmerising. Incredible. Magnificent.

He came back in less than 10 seconds and waved the bag over him. "I got it!" He ran to my leg and he crouched by the bed. "Oh, god what do I do, Cora?"

"Caleb, calm down. You can just clean it."

"What?!" "I don't think I can do it. It's gonna stretch if I bend that way and I don't think you wanna keep fucking an amputated girl, Caleb."


"It's gonna be okay, Caleb. The stuffs are in the bag. Just do it gently. I won't feel it, I promise."

"How can you promise that?" "I can."

He clenched his jaw and he shook his head.

"Okay." He cleaned my stitches as gently as possible.

"Done!" He said. "Good job."

"You did great." I said. "Yeah?" I nodded. He climbed next to me and he cuddled close. "That was scary."

"I'm used to it." "Used to it?" He asked.

"A million stories, Caleb. A million."

"Will you tell me?" "No."

"Why not?" I looked at him and I smiled.

"Some things are better left in the past."

He stared at me and nodded, kissing my head. "Let's just get some rest." I nodded and laid down on his chest.



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