Somewhere Other Than Here.

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After we finished the project, Liam shoved his things inside his bag and he hung it over his shoulder. "Finally!" He said.

"What, you don't like working with me?" I asked, teasing him. "Absolutely not." I laughed and pushed myself to stand up. He grabbed me gently and helped me up.

"I gotta go before it gets really dark. I have work to do." "Yeah, okay." "You'll be okay?" I nodded. "Yeah, it's safe. For now."

"I'll see you tomorrow, sexy." I rolled my eyes. "What? I can't make a sex comment?" "No."

"Ugh. Maybe if I get you out of those pants you'd love to hear me talk dirty-"

"Okay, bye." I pushed him to the door. "Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I stepped back and I looked at him. "Take care." I nodded and he walked out the door. I watched him leave and I sighed.

I walked back to the kitchen and I sat down on the chair.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Nina asked. "Like I got punched in the face several times."

"There's gotta be a way." I shook my head. "I tried." "Where's your mother?" "She left, Nina. She found another man. She's shacking up with him up north."

"That crazy bitch." I nodded. "I just want my El to be safe, Nina. That's all." "She will be." I raked my fingers through my hair and I leaned my chin on my hand. "It's gonna be harder than I expected." "But it's gonna be better than you expected."

I smiled and nodded. "Okay, I'm off to bed. I can't stay away. My meds are wearing me down." "What about dinner?" "I'll be up for breakfast, Nina." "Okay."

I went up stairs and I found Kelsie sitting on the bed with her hand in her pants. "Really?" I asked. "Knock next time!" She said, pulling her hand away.

"You just had sex. Why are you fucking yourself?" "He didn't make me cum. And I'm pissed off." "Oh, wow." I sat down on the bed and I stared at the floor, zoning out again.



"What's on your mind?" "Everything."

"Everything?" "Everything. Mom, Dad, Elora, the boys, the bullies." "You know there's always a silver lining." "No. There isn't. You know me since I was a child, Kel. I've not had a single silver lining since Nana passed away."

"I'm always here for you." She said, getting on her knees and looking at me. "I know. I'm just tired of reliving the same thing again and again. And she sees all of that."

"You're gonna be free one day. You know that." I looked at her and I nodded. "I wish it were now." She smiled and wrapped her arms around me.

"Kelsie, you've got your own pussy juice on your fingers."


"Bye, I'm going to bed."

I walked to the guest bedroom and I crawled inside the covers. I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep, not hearing anything else around me.


I woke up the next morning and I cleaned myself up. I headed downstairs and I spotted the three of them sitting around the table, having breakfast.

"Good morning, babes." Kelsie wished. "Good morning." I replied, sitting down. I grabbed a pancake and I poured syrup on top.

I felt their eyes on me and I looked up. "What?"

"How are you?" Nina asked, studying my face. "I'm fine, Nina. Better now."

"Well we gotta go now or we'll be late. Mr. Patel is a piss in the boot." "Yeah well." I shrugged.

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