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I walked out of my room and went down the hall. In the past 2 years many things have changed. The boys took a break after this past four because they wanted to spend more time at home. 2 years and 2 months ago Liam and Sophia became parents to a beautiful baby girl named Taylor. Perrie also gave birth to a baby girl named Willow, 7 months ago. 3 months ago I gave birth to a baby boy who Harry practically insisted we name Theo. the interview I was going with was going to be centered around the 3 One Direction moms. So I picked up Theo and handed him to Harry before kissing Delia once and walking out the door. "I'll be back in 3 hours!"

First I picked up Sophia and then Perrie and we made our way to the interview. I stepped out of the car and the girls and I locked arms. "Welcome ladies!"

"Thanks for having us!" Sophia smiled and we sat down in the chairs. "So firstly I'd like to say you three look amazing. Especially you Olivia, you had Theo how long ago?"

"Only three months." I smiled.

"You. Look. Amazing!" This woman smiled and laughed with us.

"Sophia why don't we start with you." She smiled.

"What's it like to know that Liam agreed to hold off on the next tour whenever that may be, to be with you and the baby?"

She smiled. "Wonderful really. In the beginning, he used to make sure I barely even got out of bed and Taylor is his little angel. He's an amazing dad."

"So will we be hearing and wedding bells between the two of you anytime soon?" She blushed and smiled.

"I think that would be a question for Liam not me."

The interviewer turned to Perrie. "So Perrie. What do you think having kids means for your career?"

"Well what do you mean?" She sounded flustered.

"Well, two kids is a handful, do you think we will be seeing any new music from Little Mix for a few years? Or are you taking a break from the band?"

"Oh heavens no!" She laughed. "Jade, Jesy, and Leigh-Anne come to the house all the time and we've been working on songs for the past few months."

"Oh alright then. What is your opinion on Zayn leaving One Direction? It did leave the world's in shock. And surely you know the reason behind it."

I was surprised the woman was so upfront and practically stood up to slap her for it, but Sophia held my arm down. I turned to her and smiled. "Well yes, he told me it was just killing him to be away from Alec and I and was missing home and his family. The pressure was too much. But my opinion isn't very relevant. I support Zayn with any decision he makes just the way any other normal married couple would."

The interview lady turned to me. "Olivia Styles. Now, you are the youngest mother out of the three of you correct?"

I hated that question but smiled anyway. "Yes."

"So, we were all very excited to see you put out your second album right after the wedding but Harry stayed home while you went on tour. Should we be expecting anything new from you? You've been seen heading to the studio with your daughter Delia on multiple occasions."

"Yes actually my new album is coming out soon. Very soon I promise." The interviewer smiled. "Good, I can't wait to hear it."

"Now, do you think that Harry is disappointed because he has had to stay home with your kids instead of going to the studio with the boys and working?"

Perrie grabbed my hand to keep me steady. Interviewers always did this. They all know I have a short temper and try to get me riled up and make me look back. I keep myself more composed when Harry's with me because he takes my hands and rubs his thumb against mine. They always try to blame anything on me. The careless mother, the youngest woman involved with the 1D boys, the girl who got knocked up and who interviewers claim to have forced Harry to marry me.

Keeping It Together [Harry Styles] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now