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The fans were screaming at us when I walked outside with her. "Hi Harry! Hi Delia!"

"Helloooo! Say hi to the fans Lia." I picked her up and held her on my side.

"Hi..." She was quiet which is unlike her because she's the loudest girl I know other than her mum. Speaking of her mum...

"Awww. Where's Olivia?" The fans started asking.

"Oh she'll be out soon." I tucked a piece of hair behind Delia's ear. "She wasn't feeling well."

"Aww we hope she feels better soon!"

"As do I, but she's so cute when she sneezes, almost as cute as this little one." I smiled at Delia. And tapped her nose. "Daddy?"

"Yes baby?" I looked at Lia. "Is mommy okay?" She questioned me.

"Of course she is, why sweetie?"

"Because I heard her scream last night!"

"What did she scream Delia?" The fans wanted to hear and I had to resist putting my hand over Lia's mouth so they couldn't hear the truth. So I opened my own mouth and directed my voice to Delia. "No don't sa-"

"She was screaming my daddy's name and I heard the bed hit the wall."

"OHHHHHHHH!!" Some of the fans were crying but most of them were screaming.

"Delia I told you not to..." She started blushing and hid behind my arm. She giggled into my hand. "Sorry daddy..."

I turned back to look at the fans who turned their attention to me. "So not feeling well or sore?" I nodded smiling. "Erhm..sore."

And as if on cue Liv walked out with shorts on and my flannel. "Good morning love." She handed me a cup of tea and leaned up to give me a quick kiss.

"Did you have fun with uncle Niall yesterday?" She spoke to Delia. "Yeah and he gave me a cupcake after 9:00 o'clock-" She gasped. "I wasn't supposed to say that."

Delia giggled and Liv held out her hands. "C'mon lets go get you dressed up for the chat I'm gonna have with Julia.

"I guess we'll see you guys later. I waved down to them and walked back inside. Liv laughed and I questioned her. "What's so funny?" She walked to Delia's suitcase and I stood behind her. "What's so funny Liv huh...?"

I put my lips to her neck and she giggled. "Nothing! Oh-Ohhh! Get off Haz!" She laughed and the entire time Delia is on the bed behind us jumping up and down and screaming. "Mummy has an album! Mummy has an album! Mummy has an album!" She plopped on the bed and laughed.

I got dressed and grabbed my hat. "I'm going to meet the boys." I grabbed my bag and kissed her goodbye. "I love you..." I held the word 'you' out and she blew me a kiss as I walked out the door.



"Hello love!" Julia walked into the hotel room and I smiled at her.

"Let's get to work." Delia walked into the bedroom and I made sure the TV was on for her. "So your tour starts in the beginning of October and ends in mid June."

"When's the gap that I have to rest?"

"In March." She shrugged. "It's longer than last year's tour because of having just had a baby, they wanted to give you a long break."

"Thank god!" I called out to Delia. "I love you sweetheart!" She giggled and yelled back. "I love you too mummy."

Liam stopped by about two hours ago and asked to take Delia for smoothies and then take her back to the rest of them. I let him and then we continued planning for the tour.


Harry told me he wanted to go out to dinner and to get dressed up so I walked to my suitcase and took out an outfit I had stolen from a photoshoot. I long cream colored skirt and a cropped blue short sleeve top with a thick brown belt.


"Hey.." I walked to the door and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You look beautiful." I smelt perfume again. What...? It wasn't the same one from before. It's not the boys' perfume. I felt devastated and then Delia walked over with tears swelling up in her eyes.

Harry came over to me and was fixing his tie when Delia sat in front of my legs, grabbed my skirt and cried into it. "I don't want daddy to leave!!" I picked her up and calmed her down and sent her into the bedroom, before turning to Harry.

"Care to explain?" I put my hands on my hips. I was pissed now.

"I'm not leaving..." He looked confused. But c'mon this is Harry Styles we're talking about. He's trained himself to look a certain way for the paparazzi which means he sure as hell can do the same to me. I had completely overlooked his black eye. It was swollen and puffy. But I wasn't focused on that right now. "Were you packing for good? You're gonna leave us? Is that what we've come to? Who's the girl?? I can smell her perfume everywhere on you!"

He reached out to me and widened his eyes. "No baby-"

I pulled away. "Don't." I felt dirty around him so I walked into the room and started to take off my jewelry. "I need some space right now."

"If you'll just listen-"

"No you listen here Styles. I'm done right now with you, put Delia to sleep and leave me be. If you'll excuse me." I walked into the toilet and turned on the shower water. I started crying and jumped in.

"I'm not the kind of girl who gets cheated on." I whispered to myself and waited for him to stop banging on the door before getting out of the shower.

I sighed. "God...help me."



I knocked on the door until she answered. "What do you want?"


A/N: omg I'm sorry but I had to end it here lol love you guys. This is soooo not edited and I'm so tired AND I had plans today but I stayed up until 1:30 yesterday and then was like, I think I'll sleep now. Anywayyyyyy...share with ur friends, add to ur libraries, vote and comment if you liked💘 ~Skye

Keeping It Together [Harry Styles] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now