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"Get up get up get up!!" I awoke to the not so gentle pounce on top of me by none other than my Delia.

It was Delia's first day of Grade 1 and I was more nervous than she was. I looked over at the clock. "You're up early, mummy wants to sleep," I squinted and saw it said 6:00.  "..go back to bed for another hour okay?"

"Mummy I can't!" She squealed and jumped up and down. "You should let your mum sleep Delia..she is the one that'll be giving you snacks in your lunch today.."

Her eyes widened at Harry's words and I rolled over putting a leg over him and my hands on his chest. "Yah....listen to your daddy..." She groaned and then I heard a plop.

"I'm not moving until someone gets up." I looked over and saw her sitting on the floor with her arms crossed, lip pouted and her hair, a mess.

"Well I think someone's being bratty...." Harry mumbled and kissed the top of my head and I smiled. I sat up. "Either you come up here and rest with mummy and daddy for another hour before school or I don't give you cookies with your sandwich." She practically jumped in-between Harry and I and giggled before Harry wrapped his arms around both of us.


"Okay now you have to get up..." I heard Harry's voice and smiled still half asleep, but aware that my hubby was near.

I made grabby hands toward the direction of his voice and he entangled one hand with my fingers. "Stay..." I moaned and he leaned down to kiss my lips. I took my hand back and rubbed my eyes before clearly seeing Harry dressed holding a glass.

"What's that?" I grabbed it and took a sip cringing at the horrific taste. "Kale." I pretended to choke and he chuckled before walking over to the crib where Alexandra was slowly waking up. "She slept through the night." Harry said hopefully and I shook my head walking over to him.

"...almost." I wrapped my arms around his torso and he brought his around my shoulders. "She woke up around 2:15ish and I got up."

He nodded and I walked over to our bathroom watching Harry lean down picking up the angel. "Theo?" Harry called. "Gotta get up buddy." He walked out with the baby over to Theo's room and I smiled. "Oh Hazza..."

When I finished I washed my face one last time and saw my wedding ring in a dish on the side of the sink in the bathroom. "Let's see." I put it on and couldn't get it past my knuckle.

"Dammit..." The weight I had gained from Alex had fattened even my fingers. Meh.

"Good morning Mummy..." I ruffled Theo's hair and smiled barely seeing the top of his head in the mirror.

"Morning Theo...."  He tugged at Harry's t-shirt that I was wearing and I looked down at my 2 and a half year old. "Yes baby?" I picked him up and put him on my hip and walked downstairs. "Can you make me breakfast?"

"Well where's daddy?" I asked wondering why Harry couldn't have helped him if he was already downstairs.

"He was feeding Alex and then he got um..he got a phone call."

Keeping It Together [Harry Styles] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now