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We had the wake two days later and his funeral was the day after that. Delia actually tried to lay down with Noah in the casket at the wake which just made it harder for Liv. She just kept saying. "Pop said I could always sleep with him. Why not now?" It nearly broke my heart.

As of now, we were both sitting at the dining room table working on our laptops, planning for the tour that we were both going on. The thing was Liv and I with the kids, were leaving a month before the guys were leaving, so there were plenty of nights in the past few weeks where I haven't come home until midnight so I can make up for the time I'm going to miss. "Are you alright love?"

Liv just seemed off. She nodded. "Yeah.....I guess."

"Are you sure it's not something new?"

She rolled her eyes and continued typing on her computer. "Did you take your medication?" I put my hand on the computer and pushed it down slightly so she would look up at me. "Harry!"

She huffed. "Yes, I took my medication, I'm sorry if I look a bit sad after my dad just died. Please leave me be. I'm an hour and a half behind on my work."

I sighed and lifted her computer screen again. "Alright."

"What's up with the guys? I haven't seen them in the media much lately."

I shrugged. "Good, we're all just stressed about the tour you know?"

She lifted her head, nodded then looked over at me. "How's Louis doing with that girl Alison?"

"Fine I think why?"

"Look." She turned her computer and it was an article on how they broke up. "It's been like 2 months. It could be.."

"Is Niall still single?"

"I don't think so....."

She smiled. "Finally who's the girl?" I laughed. "Her names Heather, but I don't know if they're together. He's always texting her though."

She smiled. "Good for him." She leaned over to me and cupped my cheek. "How's your eye?"

I shrugged. "Still there."

"How many times did he hit your eye, that bastard."

"Be nice. And I'm not sure look at the video. Three times? Forget about it Liv." I kissed her cheek and she smiled small.


"I asked her out....but I'm worried." Niall was talking to me over Skype because Liv went to her manager's house to plan some things.

"Well did she say yes?"

He nodded. "But I wanna protect her from the media. I don't care if the paparazzi see me with ladies who I'm not dating, but if I want this to work....I don't want her and I to end up like Lou and El." He whispered the last part.

"Do what Louis used to do. He'd hold a cigarette that wasn't lit in his hand because companies can't put pictures of celebrities smoking in their magazines. He put it in plain sight whilst they were taking pictures, but they couldn't put them in the magazines. They would just put them online remember?" I smiled and he made a questioning face.


I rolled my eyes and Delia came into our room. "Can I have a snack?" I looked at the clock. It was only 2pm so I nodded. "There's cheese and crackers and some apples in the fridge. Go get some for daddy and you, then come back in here."

Niall laughed and Louis came into the frame. "Hey mate how's Liv holding up?"

"Fine I guess. She's a mess at some times and others she fine." I shrugged.

"Good, how's my little muffin?" He smiled and Delia came running in the room with cheese stuffed in her mouth and a plate in her hand.

"Your muffin...is eating everything!" I took the plate and placed it next to me and picked her up and placed her in my lap.

"Just like her daddy." I smiled and Lou and Niall laughed at her face. "Hi..." She smiled.

"Is it true that you'd hold a cigarette in your hand whilst in public with Eleanor? So she protected from the media?"

Louis nodded and Niall's questioned and I made a face. "I told you!"

Louis walked out of the frame and Delia squealed. "BYE UNCLE LOU!!" He popped his head back in the frame. "Cya later muffin." She smiled.

"I'll talk to you guys later, I have some stuff to do before Liv gets home."

Niall nodded. "I hope Heather's not afraid of the media like I was in the beginning."

I rolled my eyes. "She'll be fine. Bye Niall!"

"GOODBYE UNCLE NI!!" Delia waved to the camera and Niall laughed. "Bye Lia!! Love you guys bye."

When I went downstairs to the kitchen I saw our little dish by the door with some change in it but one thing caught my eye in the reflection of the light. I walked over to it and saw Liv's wedding ring?

"What the hell....." We needed to talk.


A/N: Sorry guys I think I'll leave off there.......

Jk you didn't think I would do that would you?

Here you go☺️😉😏



I got home and was instantly greeted by Harry. "Hey....can we talk?"

I looked down. "Why..?"

"Why? Because of this maybe?" He held up my wedding ring. I took it off this morning.....I haven't taken it off for more than a few minutes in a while...


He brought me to couch and started ranting about how he was going to make everything better. "I'll cook more, I'll be more supportive, and I'll be there for you."

He cupped my face. "I've never cheated I promise... I just wanna fix us."

Within minutes I was on top of him and his hands were on my lower back. "I'm sorry.....I'm sorry for everything."

He slowly pulled my shirt off and moved his lips to my neck. "Haz....." I moaned and he smiled at me. "Delia's asleep..." He whispered in my ear so I giggled at him and he smiled.


I moaned and threw my head back against the door. He smirked at me and moved his hips back and forth. "Y-You're going d-down Styles." I moaned and closed my eyes. "Forget about that baby girl." He whispered in my ear and sucked on my earlobe. I moaned when he started thrusting harder, just like the way he jokes on stage with the guys.

I tangled my fingers into his long locks and tugged hard on them. He bit on his bottom lip. "Hazza y-you're killing me." I moaned in his ear and placed my lips in his neck. I felt a rush come over me and leaned my head on his shoulder breathing heavily.

"That was number one." He said, "Now number two." He carried me in the shower. He sat down on the bench with me straddling him.

I remembered the interviews I had to do in the morning. "You have got to stop this. I have to get up early tomorrow."

"Not anymore." I lifted my head up and pulled my hair back, taking the hair tie I had around my wrist and pulling my wet hair into a loose bun. "I could get used to this view." Harry smirked and traced my curves. "You're not going to be able to move when we're done tonight."

"God help me." I spit out between shallow breaths.


A/N: SUCH A BIPOLAR CHAPTER 😋😖😍👿😑☺️😡😏 I'll talk to you amazing people tomorrow☺️ tell ur friends, vote, comment and add to ur libraries and reading lists😘❤️ byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ~Skye🌸

Keeping It Together [Harry Styles] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now