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About two months later, we had told everyone and Ed Sheeran decided to come over and I told Olivia that I thought it would be nice to have him since we hadn't seen him in a few months. "Hey, thanks for coming over."

"Hey mate, I'm sorry to hear the news." He hugged me briefly.

"Yeah...so what's up?" He walked in and sat on the couch.

"I had to come over and ask. I wrote a song after hearing the news...its about the baby.."

I smiled. "Ed, what are you talking about?"

"Hey!" Liv walked in and was glowing like always. "It's been so long..."

She hugged him and he smiled at me. "I wanted to stop by.."

"Yeah?" Liv walked into the kitchen and poured us tea. She's so amazing.

"I wrote a song and I wanted to play it for you two before I put the track on the album."

"Why that's so sweet, but Ed why? It's your record. Why would we have anything to do with it?" Liv smiled at him.

"I wrote it about...." He bit his lip nervously and looked at me. "...the baby."

Liv's smile faded a bit. "...oh, well thank you. Let's hear it shall we." I walked to her and put my arms around her body softly kissing below her ear for comfort.

She smiled up at me then turned her attention back to Ed. "Let's hear it lad." He smiled at us and starting playing the guitar. "It's called Small Bump." (Video Up Above)

By the end of the song it Olivia silently weeping and it killed me to see her like this. "I-It's so s-so beautiful Ed. I love it. Excuse me..."

She walked into the music room and I could practically feel her shaking in my arms still. "Are you sure she liked it?" He sounded unsure of himself.

"Yeah, it's really beautiful. Really. She just....hasn't really been able to accept it I don't think."

He nodded. "I hope I didn't upset her too much. It's supposed to be a happier song.." He was frustrated which was never good.

"She'll be fine, I promise."

Liv came out and I saw her eyes were puffy. "Hey love."

"It's beautiful, truly great." I wrapped my arms around her waist and I swayed her back and forth a bit to keep her calm.

"I'm glad you like it Livia..."

I smiled and Liv nodded. "It hasn't really sunk in yet..."

"I think you're gonna be just fine." He smiled and he hugged her. Ed genuinely cared about Olivia and I'm glad he wrote the song. It's beautiful.


"Hey Harry look at this." Liv walked over to me laughing. We were just getting home after going over to my parents for a nice dinner, and then doing an interview.

"What is it Livi?" I had been calling her that a lot lately since the miscarriage. She liked it and made her happy which is all I wanted.

"It's a picture from the year we met babe. Do you remember this?" I smiled at Liv in the photo and laughed when I saw my hair.

 Do you remember this?" I smiled at Liv in the photo and laughed when I saw my hair

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Keeping It Together [Harry Styles] Book 2Where stories live. Discover now