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Harry woke me up on to pancakes, sausages and apples on my birthday and I laughed. "I'm going to kill you if you got me anything."

Right now, I was out with Heather and she was laughing. "No, I only got you something small." It was a small heart necklace that had the words 'To Infinity and Beyond' engraved on the back.

"...Heather it's beautiful, where did you get this!? Holy crap!" I was in shook as I opened it in the coffee shop.

"Also, look." She handed me her phone and shook her bag of chips to get the rest of the crumbs out. "Beyoncé released your single with her! Congrats I didn't even know you worked with her! That's amazing!" She quickly gave up and put the bag to her lips and shook the rest into her mouth.

"It was and she's such a sweetheart. Thank you Heather I love it." I hugged her and she laughed. "Of course you're like the big sister I never had. If I have any problem, I don't need to hesitate. I know I can call you and rant for 20 minutes if I have to."

I laughed. "Of course."

"How are you and Niall?" She blushed just at the mention of his name. "Great."

"Crystal said she might meet us here if she could make it. I think Louis and her are serious. They text all day and sleep together all the time."

"Have they...." She wiggled her eyebrows. "You know....done it yet.?"

"I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised if they did. They're really perfect for each other."

"Lou's always had a hard time staying with the same girl."

"Yeah I know." I laughed and took a sip of my tea. "Is it quite freezing in here or no?"

"Oh shush and drink your tea you Brit, always talking about the weather, God!" I laughed at her and took another sip. I texted Harry.

Me-how are my babies?

He answered within seconds.

Haz baby🙈💋❤️-we're just fine
Haz baby🙈💋❤️-Actually I take that back, these sleeping children are too much for me to handle.

He sent me a picture of Delia and Theo sleeping on either sides of him. I chuckled at the photo and Crystal came over. "The rain is going to kill me out here." I laughed and she came over and hugged me before sitting down. "Happy birthday Olivia!"

"Thank you! So what's new?" I asked as she sat down across from me and next to Heather. "I'm finished up with all midterms at university as of yesterday." I smiled.

"That's great Crystal!"

"It is, I know!"


A few nights later Harry and the boys had a show and Harry told us that he was gonna give us tickets so we could actually experience the concert.

Delia ran backstage and I laughed when she tried climbing into Louis' arms. "He can't right now love, they're getting their hair done."

She pouted and huffed. "They're boys, they don't neeeeeeeed to get their hair done!"

She groaned and then quickly got distracted by a telly that was playing a child's channel. "They crowd looks pretty good tonight. Who's opening for you today Hun?"

"Icona Pop, so the crowd will be very occupied while you're getting settled before we come on stage." I sat on his lap and connected our lips. "I love you.." I said with one last peck on the lips. "I was wondering..." I whispered. "I don't feel like cooking later for supper....maybe you could eat something else...." I grinded on him and if I couldn't feel his reaction, his face said it all. "Aright, I don't care what you want....I'm up for it."

"I'll talk to you later."  I kissed his lips once and he laughed. "Love you."

About 40 minutes into the concert, the boys played 'Teenage Dirtbag' which Harry continues to punch the air during that song in particular. It sent me very over edge and I couldn't help but get turned on by Harry's low notes. Delia fell asleep and when it ended Kevin, a security guard, got me backstage and I ran into Harry's arms after putting Delia in her carriage.

"You all did amazing." He smiled down at me and chuckled at my height. "Would you be quiet. I can barely walk, so I'm not wearing any heels."

"You won't be for a few days after tonight as well." I starting kissing my neck and I laughed. This is always how good nights start...


A/N: HIIIIII so kinda a filler but I hope you liked it!! I was just looking at when I first posted chapter 1 and I'm like holy crap...I remember writing that. It was just weird that like this is chapter 26 and I remember when I announced to my followers that I was starting a Harry Styles' fan fiction☺️ It was just weird lol, anywho. Tell your friends, add to your libraries and reading lists, vote, and comment ilyyyyy talk to you monsters later cyyyyyya ~Skye🌸

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