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"Hi mum...yeah, we'll be right there mum. Ok...alright, love you too, okay bye."

"C'mon kids...granny Scarlett doesn't want to wait now."

Harry walked over to me and handed me a bag. "What's this?" He smiled and I opened the bag up smelling something delicious. "Some muffins from the bakery for your mother and the kids."

"Aw thank you Hazza." I brought my lips to his in a lazy morning kiss before getting in the car with the two rascals and bringing them to my mum's.

"Thank you...mum so much. Here are Theo's extra clothes in case and Delia's hair ties and things when she wants to play dress up and if you want to keep them quiet before they nap, put on my album or Harry's newest one. They fall asleep right away. Okay?"

"What is the matter Hun?"

"I just..." Tears started to fall and I didn't know why. "I don't know!" She pulled me into a tight hug. "Honey...is this about Harry?"

"No, no, no. Harry and I are just wonderful...I think i-it's just the baby g-getting to me."

"Take it easy okay? I'll keep the kids overnight if you want alright? They can go home in their pjs tomorrow and everything will be fine okay?"

"Are you sure, cuz I can always send Harry to get them."

"Pish posh. Let me spend a night with my grandbabies...you know since your father passed its quite lonely so I would really like it." I hugged her and thought about what my life has become in the past few years. I became the mother to a beautiful baby girl when I was only 20 and now, some 5 years later I'm going to be having another. "I felt a bit more emotional for my last 2 pregnancies so don't worry, it's normal."

"Thank you mum.


"Hey guys I'm so honored to meet you guys. So I have a bunch of questions for you today."

"Hey uh thank you, let's get right into it." Harry shook his hand and I smiled at the interviewer. He was a short, very flamboyant man who had the strangest color purple dyed in his hair. (A/N: if you know who I'm describing before I write it ilyyy)

"Oh my god, by the way my name's Tyler Oakley and oh my god you two! We all heard about the news not too long ago, about the baby. Congratulations you guys!"

"Thank you." We said in unison and Harry put his arm around me as we sat on the our chairs appropriately. "So tell me."

"What do you wanna I know?" I asked him and Harry squeezed my hand.

"Were you looking to have another baby or was this another great surprise?"

"Um well we had talked about having another baby but so I guess not but we didn't say when. It actually came at the best time."

"How much would you say that being in the eyes of the media has effected your children growing up?"

"I um...I don't think it's effected them as much as you think because we keep them pretty sheltered so...Harry do you agree?

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, like...we bring them to normal places with people that they're around all the time whether they're famous or not and their lives are very normal."

"So how old are the little ones?"

"Delia is 5 years and....3 months and then Theo is..well his birthday was last month so he's just a little over 2." Harry answered and smiled at me.

"Wow.. I remember when you guys had Delia and she was so small! Is she more like you Harry or Olivia?"

"Well she's got curly brown hair like me but she's got Olivia's sass."

"So anything new with her?" "Well, she's starting school in September and I don't want her to, like I feel like I'll be crying not her and ugh god I'm a wreck. Or maybe it's the pregnancy hormones kicking in."

He laughed and I couldn't help but join being how contagious his laugh was. "Well it was great getting to know just a bit more about the kids and I hope to talk to you guys soon bye!"

"Bye!" I chirped and Harry and him shook hands before I pulled him into a hug.

"Next one.." Haz smiled at me and I sat back. "Okay. We got this kid." I put my hands on my belly and smiled. "I'm so happy Olivia you have no idea." He leaned down and kissed my growing bump and I smiled down at him.

"Best Valentine's Day gift I've ever gotten." He brought his lips to mine and I pushed him off slightly before the interviewer sat down. "Time to do our job now Hazza."

He kissed me once more before looking up into my eyes, his eyes as green as the grass on the lawns outside staring back at me. "As long as it's with you."


A/N: hey guys! So I finally wrote a bit and I actually feel like this is so short and so awful but anyway I'll be finishing this book soon actually. So the last chapter is 40 and I'm really excited hehe. I'm finally getting back into this story as I'm wrapping it all up which isn't bad cuz I'm gonna update again later to tell you all a little exciting something😂☺️💜😉💞🙈😘❤️ anywho. ILL TALK TO YOU LATEERRRRR -Skye👑

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