Gifts from a Fae - Nozel Silva

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Word count: 2432

Paring: Nozel x Fae Male Reader

Summary: See image of request form my tumblr

Warnings: ummmm my shitty knowledge of fae and probably inaccurate descriptions of how things work with them, also possible ooc Nozel

A/n: Hello, thank you so much for requesting. I truly enjoy writing and knowing that someone wants to read what I write makes it so much easier to write something. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Wondering the forests of the Clover Kingdom was a regular part of Y/n's week. Enjoying the relaxing sounds of nature and helping small animals find food. It's what he enjoyed doing most and it gave him a chance to escape from the pressures of being the prince of the Fae. Y/n also enjoyed venturing into the castle town and mingling with the humans. Learning about their daily lives and workings of their culture. If he had to pick he'd probably say he was most intrigued by the Magic Knights, a group of powerful mages working to protect the Kingdom.

After a few weeks of talking with random Knights and citizen's Y/n wanted to see the magic of one of the fabled Grand Magic Knights or as he learned they were mostly called Squad Captains. Try as he might he couldn't get any of the lower ranking Knights he spoke with to take him to their headquarters to meet with any of the Captains so he settled for hoping to stumble across one while out exploring the Kingdom. And to his luck on one of his many trips into the forest he heard a sound distinctly not that of nature.

A loud shout could be heard followed by the sounds of something hitting a tree. Moving slowly and quietly to get a look at the person without alerting them of his presence. Y/n eventually reached the edge of a small clearing and ducked behind one of the trees. At the opposite side of the clearing stood a man with Silver hair wearing what looked like a Magic knight's robe but fancier, Y/n could also see that the man's grimoire was raised and had silverish shine to it. Curious about what was happening, he stayed quiet and moved to climb the tree hoping to get a better view of the Magic Knight as he trained.

Y/n watched as the mage struck a tree with silver fluid like magic, he could barely hear the man call it Mercury magic. One of the things Y/n loved most was seeing new magics, most faes had magic that had to do with plants, water or rocks, while humans had developed new and intriguing magics like this fluid metal magic he was watching. Too caught up in his thoughts he failed to notice one of the branches he was holding had bent enough to crack right as the forest had gone silent.

Hearing the branch snap, Y/n held his breath and backed close to the body of the tree. He wasn't afraid of the mage, more he was embarrassed at possibly having been found watching him train. Well that or his breath was stolen from the sight of bright purple eyes looking in his direction, though all they could see was the thick forest on the edge of the clearing and not the fae that had snapped a branch. The tense silence lasted only a moment before a noise was heard from the Knights robe. Y/n watched as the Knight pulled out a device and spoke into it, before summoning a large amount of his mercury magic to form a large eagle and fly out of the forest.

Letting out the breath he had been holding Y/n decided he needed to know who that mage was where he could find him again. And so he headed into the capital and asked about the Magic Knight with Silver hair and magic. He quickly learned that the mage he had found training was none other than Captain of the Silver Eagles, Nozel Silva. Before learning that the mage was a captain Y/n had been planning to find and talk to him, but after learning that the mage was not only a captain but part of the human royal family, Y/n decided to settle for watching from afar.

Y/n took the time to find the headquarters of the Silver Eagles squad and which window belonged to the Silver haired captain before he set to leaving the handsome mage gifts. Every few days or so he would leave a new trinket he had found that made him think of the mage. Things like an amethyst carved to look like a leaf on a silver chain, the leaf was a representation of Y/n himself while the gemstone reminded him of the purple eyes that stole his breath. He even left a small silver eagle on the window sill as he thought it was a sweet little nod to the mages magic.

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