Black clover Reaction prompt

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Parings & Word counts: Finral x Reader 957 words, Zora x Reader 882 words, Klaus x Reader 985 words, Nozel x Reader 690 words

Warning: Bullying, mentions of alcohol, if I missed anything please let me know

Summary: Based on the above request from my tumblr

A/n: Hello, thank you so much for requesting. I enjoyed writing this especially because there is not enough love for the Black Clover men out there. I went with a gender neutral reader as you didn't specify so I hope that's fine. I also kind of split the prompts, Finral and Kalus are reacting to someone putting down their s/o and Zora and Nozel are someone flirting with them in front of their s/o. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.


Finral may have a history of being a playboy but that all changed. After you agreed to go out with him, he flipped his script real fast. The only person he had eyes for was you, going as far as telling Langris he was no longer interested in Lady Finesse and wishes them both well. Having you as a partner was like a dream come true for him, you didn't care that he was the disgraced son of the Vaude family, or that his magic was only good for support. You just wanted him to be happy and You helped him feel more confident in himself and his abilities.

For the first time in his life finral actually felt secure in a relationship and would do everything in his power to keep the relationship healthy. So, imagine his shock when he notices you shying away from his affection while out on a date. Normally he could hold your hand, kiss your cheeks or hold you to his side as you walk through the markets of Kikka, but for some reason you pulled away every time he tried to show affection.

"Hey, Y/n is everything okay? You normally don't mind holding hands and stuff." He asked quietly, sounding almost scared that he did something wrong or misunderstood what you were comfortable with.

Before you could respond another voice Finral did not recognize, started to speak. "Well if it isn't Y/n, when you said you were joining the Magic Knights I thought you'd at least try but I guess the Black Bulls are probably the only squad willing to take a weakass mage like yourself." Turning his attention to the person who so rudely interrupted his date, the spacial mage could quickly tell this was some pompous noble. What he couldn't tell though was how they knew you and why they were being rude.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Finral asked, his tone showing he was not pleased at all with how this person was acting.

Scoff in offense the noble spoke again. "Don't take that tone with me. I'll have you know, I'm Claire Elric, you know the family of mages who specialize in Alchemy magic." The snob, Claire identified herself. "And I was talking with an old friend. I suggest you mind your own business but then again judging from your robe you're also a Black Bull so you probably don't understand respect." Claire stated matter of factly.

Rolling his eyes, Finral spoke again. "It was a rhetorical question, you could be the king's kid for all I care, it doesn't give you the right to talk down to people for no reason." He started not having the patience for assholes. "Y/n is a powerful mage, and works hard everyday to help our squad get better. Not only that but they are extremely kind and caring, so I suggest you treat them with respect."

Having been silently watching from behind Finral since Claire first spoke, you couldn't hide the shock on your face. Finral was never the confrontational type, but here he is defending you from one of your life long bullies. Being behind him though you could also tell from the look on her face that Claire was ready to snap, and it would probably be best to leave before stuff goes south. "Finral, we should just go. It's not a big deal, she's right anyway the Bulls are the only squad that would take a mage like me." You said gently pulling at his sleeve trying to get him to drop it and go.

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