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'Hey, bubs... Everything okay?' Courtney asks smiling as she holds her phone to her ear and uses her free hand to grab a basket.

'Hey, love. Yeah, everything is absolutely fine. I should be finished in around an hour and a half. Are you wanting me to pick Bunny up from nursery on my way home or do you want to leave her until we've done some packing?' Leah says and Courtney can hear the craziness that is the rest of the blonde's teammates in the background.

'Yeah, we'll probably get more done if she's not there... How's the recovery session going?' Courtney asks.

'Mm... It's going good. Looking forward to getting home though and getting ready for our little break away. What have you been up to today? Anything exciting?' Leah asks.

'Nothing. I'm just at Boots grabbing some last minute toiletries we need. Is there anything you need me to get while I'm here?' Courtney says.

'Erm... Can you grab me some of those heat pads we got? I used my last one last month.' Leah asks.

'Course I can... You okay? Cramp?' Courtney says.

'Nah, not just now but I liked those ones so I want to make sure I have some in for if I need them.' Leah replies causing Courtney to smile.

'Okay... I'll grab some of them then. Is there anything else that you need? You got enough painkillers and stuff if you need them?' Courtney asks.

'Mm-hmm... I'm fine for that. You could grab some of those things you got me for the headache last time. I can't remember exactly what it is that they were called but they were useful.' Leah replies.

'Okay, I know what you're talking about. I'll get some of them as well.' Courtney says.

'Well I need to get back to training babes but I'll let you know when I'm on my way home... I love you.' Leah says softly.

'I love you too, Lele. See you later.' Courtney replies. Sliding her phone back into her pocket, Courtney makes her way around the store adding in the things that needs including Leah's heat patches and migraine patches before making her way to the section that she really came here for, the pregnancy tests.


Taking a deep breath, Courtney reaches out to rest the strip on the bathroom counter giving it the time it needs to process the results. Today marks nine days post a five day embryo transfer and to say her heart is absolutely pounding through her chest right now would be an understatement. Technically they were advised to wait until their blood work appointment which is in four days time however if their transfer worked and Courtney truly is pregnant then she wanted to do something special for Leah because nothing about going through IVF is surprising or romantic. Her phone is propped up against the mirror recording everything she does as they've been recording their journey in the hopes that when it's all over and done with, they can look back at everything they went through to bring their baby into the world and make Bunny a big sister.

'It's still early. No matter what this says remember it's still early.' She almost whispers to herself as she paces around in their ensuite. Reaching for the instructions, she reads over them a few times before placing them back down on the counter and glancing at her phone.

'I'm scared. I almost don't even want to look.' She admits glancing up at the camera before looking down at the strip which is partially covered to prevent her from seeing the results. Glancing at her watch, she lets out a small sigh and shakes her head as she glances back at the test strip.

'I feel like I've been having symptoms, I had some spotting the other day which I know can be a sign of implantation but I also just- I don't know where these are all just signs that it hasn't worked.' She explains to the camera before taking a deep breath.

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