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Pulling into the driveway, her heart pounds as she spots Courtney's car parked in the usual place before glancing down at the tiny bundle curled up in the passenger seat. Grabbing her phone from the passenger seat, she quickly snaps a picture before beginning to write a new message.

To Wally:
Hi Auntie Wally! Mum is absolutely bricking it so we're just hanging out in the car on the driveway because mummy is already home xx

From Wally: Omg you little bundle of fluff! Tell your mum I said to go inside and stop being such a wimp! Your mummy is going to absolutely adore you! X

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From Wally:
Omg you little bundle of fluff! Tell your mum I said to go inside and stop being such a wimp! Your mummy is going to absolutely adore you! X

Laughing, Leah slides her phone into her pocket and leans over to kiss the top of the puppy's head. She gently ruffles the fur on top of it's head and takes a deep breath as she glances back towards the house.

'Right, you stay right here until I go get her, okay? Don't move a muscle.' Leah says softly. Getting out the car, she makes her way towards the house and opens the front door.

'Court? Court, where are you?' She asks making her way into the house.

'Living room, bubs.' Courtney replies causing the blonde to smile. Making her way over to the living room door, she immediately spots Courtney lying on the sofa with a blanket draped over her.

'Can you give me a hand? I got a little bit carried away while I was out and now I have more stuff than I have hands?' Leah asks leaning against the doorframe causing Courtney to groan.

'Can't it wait till later? I've literally just lay down, bubs?' Courtney says causing Leah to sigh.

'Uh- Not really but if you don't want to never mind... Forget it.' Leah replies turning around in an attempt to hide the disappointment on her face.

'I didn't say I didn't want to help you, Le. I just said that I'd literally just had a chance to lie down but it's fine. I'll help you.' Courtney says pushing herself up off the sofa as Leah begins to make her way back out towards the car.

'What do you need me to get?' Courtney asks as she follows the blonde outside causing Leah to smile.

'Can you just grab the stuff from the passenger seat? I can get everything else.' Leah replies softly. She watches Courtney nod her head and make her way over to the passenger door.

'Bubs... I-What is this?' Courtney asks opening the passenger door to reveal the puppy curled up.

'Surprise...' Leah replies softly. Courtney alternates silently looking between Leah and the puppy until the blonde lets out a shaky breath and covers her face with her hands.

'You hate it... Oh my god you hate it. I knew you'd hate it and I just- I shouldn't be making these big decisions without you.' Leah rambles causing Courtney to immediately press her lips against the blonde's.

'Shut up... I love it. I love you.' Courtney mumbles against her lips.

'I love you too.' Leah replies smiling.

'I need to know everything about this little one...' Courtney says softly as she makes her way back over to the passenger seat and lifts the puppy into her arms.

'Well he doesn't have a name yet, I thought that was something you could pick. He's nine weeks old so just a baby. I actually haven't got anything for him so we're going to need to make a quick trip to Pets at Home before we pick up Bunny.' Leah replies.

'Let me grab my shoes and we can go...' Courtney says grinning.


'Bubs, look...' Courtney says lifting an item off the shelf and into her hands causing Leah to glance over at her.

'What's that?' Leah asks making her way over with the puppy cuddled into her chest.

It's a puppy keepsake box... Comes with an ink pad to take his paw print, some clay to make an impression of his pay and then like a little bottle thing; I'm not sure what that's for. It also comes with this box that you can put all his keepsakes in.' Courtney replies.

'Oh yeah... Do we really need that though?' Leah asks.

'Well I mean- I guess not.' Courtney replies placing the box back on the shelf causing Leah to sigh.

'I wasn't saying we weren't getting it, Court... I was just asking if it was something you thought we'd actually use?' Leah says.

'I'd like to get his paw prints while he's still so little.' Courtney replies shrugging her shoulders and Leah nods her head.

'Then lets get it.' Leah says smiling.

'We don't have to. It's a stupid idea and it's expensive.' Courtney replies shaking her head.

'Babe, put it in the basket. We'll get his little paw prints done.' Leah says watching a grin appear on Courtney's face as she immediately lifts the box and puts it in the basket she has cradled in the crook of her elbow.

'I still can't believe you got me a puppy.' Courtney admits shaking her head.

'You've wanted one for a while and we kept putting it off because it wasn't the right time but is there ever a right time really for this sort of thing?' Leah says and Courtney smiles.

'Bunny is going to be so excited.' Courtney replies reaching out to clap the puppy in Leah's arms.

'Mm... She is, isn't she?' Leah says smiling.


'Have you decided on a name for him yet?' Leah asks smiling as she watches Courtney who is rolling about the living room floor with the puppy.

'Mm... I was thinking Beau. It means handsome or beautiful and he is just so stinking handsome, aren't you?' Courtney says smiling.

'Beau suits him.' Leah replies.

'Thank you for this, Le... I just- I think I really needed this.' Courtney says smiling up at her partner as Beau lies down on her chest.

'I had a full on panic at training yesterday that you were going to think that I was trying to replace our baby... In fact I guess I was still sort of panicking when I picked him up because I sat in the driveway for like five minutes panicking that I'd made this awful mistake.' Leah admits shaking her head.

'You're such a worrier but it's okay because you're my worrier... I think he's exactly what we need to help us.' Courtney replies and Leah nods her head.

'He's so sleepy...' Leah says smiling.

'I know. I'm going to pop him in his bed, I think.' Courtney replies softly. Pushing herself into a kneeling position with the puppy in her arms, she makes her way over to the newly purchased bed and gently places Beau down in it. Gently stroking his head, she makes sure he's settled before making her way up onto the sofa where Leah is and sitting herself down on her knee.

'I love you.' Courtney almost whispers leaning her forehead against the blonde's as Leah's arms wrap around her waist.

'I love you.' Leah replies softly.

'I know we've had a really shitty few weeks but I really couldn't have gotten through any of it without you, Le. You have been my absolute rock and I know that you don't believe that's true but you have been.' Courtney says.

'It has been shitty but we've had each other and that's the most important thing.' Leah replies smiling. 

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