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'Nanny Manda!' Bunny squeals as she immediately throws herself into the redhead's arms as Leah leans against the doorframe smiling at the interaction between her mum and the three-year-old. It's been a little over two weeks since they went away to the lodge with some of the girls and to say it's been a whirlwind of a two weeks would be an understatement. They had the pregnancy confirmed at their clinic and have also had a scan this week to ensure the pregnancy was growing in the correct place which completely blew Leah's mind; seeing that tiny little bean on the screen, their tiny little bean who was measuring six weeks and two days exactly was the most magical thing she's ever experienced.

'Hi bubba...' Amanda says smiling as she uses her free arm to hug Leah while keeping Bunny safely balanced on her hip with the other.

'Hi, mum... This one has been impatiently waiting for you by the window.' Leah says smiling as she reaches out to tickle Bunny who giggles and buries her head in the crook of Amanda's neck.

'I've been looking forward to seeing you all morning... Are you going to show me your new playhouse in the garden?' Amanda asks and Bunny immediately grins and nods her head.

'Yeah! Let's go.' Bunny shouts causing Leah to smile.

'Are we okay to?' Amanda asks gesturing towards the back door causing Leah to nod her head.

'Of course. I'll be out in a minute. I'm just going to pop to the toilet.' Leah replies and her mum smiles. She watches her mum and Bunny make their way towards the back door before she quickly makes her way upstairs and into their bedroom.

'Court, can I come in?' She asks softly as she leans against their ensuite door. The brunette grumbles a response causing her to sigh as she opens the door and makes her way inside where she finds Courtney sitting on the floor in front of the toilet.

'Oh, love...' Leah says softly as she immediately bends down behind her partner and gently rubs her back. Since the last day of their trip, Courtney thankfully hasn't experienced any more bleeding however the morning sickness (although it should be called all day sickness) has very much became an ever-growing presence in their lives.

'I'm okay, bubs...' Courtney replies quietly as she leans back against the blonde's chest.

'Are you ready to tell your mum? Is she here yet?' Courtney asks tilting her head back to look at the blonde who smiles.

'She's gone out to the garden with Bunny to look at her new playhouse... Take your time, you don't have to rush.' Leah replies and Courtney glances down at her outfit which currently consists of a pair of Nike shorts which Leah was sent as part of her sponsorship but the brunette has stolen and the blonde's old 23/24 Arsenal training top.

'She'll understand why I look like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards once we tell her, right?' Courtney mumbles causing Leah to smile.

'I think you look absolutely beautiful.' Leah says.

'You have to say that. It's partly your fault I'm in this mess.' Courtney replies laughing.


Carefully placing the ultrasound photo in her mum's hand, Leah can't help but smile as she takes a seat next to Courtney and watches Amanda slowly open her eyes and gaze down at the picture in her hands. It takes a few minutes for the reality of the item in her hand to sink in before Amanda gasps and glances over at her daughter.

'Is this- No way...' Amanda says, tears immediately filling her eyes as Leah nods her head and bites her bottom lip.

'We're having a baby... Court's pregnant.' Leah replies, tears filling her own eyes as she stands up and meets her mum in the middle of the room.

'Oh my... I wasn't expecting this when you invited me over today.' Amanda says shaking her head as she wraps her arms around her daughter.

'Oh Courtney... How are you feeling, lovey?' Amanda asks making her way over to hug Courtney who's got off the sofa.

'Mm... Like shit.' Courtney admits laughing slightly.

'Oh you poor thing.' Amanda says softly as she leans back slightly to look at Courtney.

'Tell me all about it... I want to hear absolutely everything.' Amanda says smiling as they all take their seats again.

'We got our official blood work done when we came back from the lodge but we already knew. Court had already done a few tests before we went away...' Leah begins to explain as Courtney tucks herself into the blonde's side.

'You've had rough, haven't you? Had some bleeding while we were away and then for the last week or so you've just been floored with the sickness.' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'It certainly hasn't been fun but it'll be worth it.' Courtney replies smiling.

'This is just the most wonderful news, you guys. Another beautiful grandbaby... Bunny is going to be the best big sister.' Amanda says glancing towards the back garden where Bunny is playing with a ball.

'Mm... She really is.' Leah replies smiling.

'You okay?' Leah asks softly as Courtney sniffles beside her and she glances towards the brunette to see tears streaming down her cheeks.

'I'm okay. I'm just- Ugh I'm an emotional wreck.' Courtney admits laughing. Truth is hearing Amanda refer to the baby as her second grandchild, knowing that she already considers Bunny to be her first grandchild, makes her feel so incredibly loved and accepted something that before Leah came along she didn't think she'd find.


'How would you like to be a grandpa again?' Courtney asks softly as she glances at her dad who is standing on the opposite of the breakfast bar. Amanda has taken Bunny out to collect their pizzas giving Leah and Courtney time to reveal their news to Tom who arrived a little over an hour ago.

'W-What?' Tom asks, the shock clear in his voice as he glances between his daughter and Leah.

'I'm pregnant, dad. We're having a baby.' Courtney replies smiling. Immediately Tom rushes around the breakfast bar to wrap his arms around his daughter who's smile on her face makes his heart burst with absolute join. He'll never forget the look on her face when she revealed to him that she was pregnant with Bunny and despite the fact that Bunny is very much the best thing that has every happened to their family, the look on her face back then still haunts him to this day.

'Oh, Courtney... This is amazing news.' Tom says shaking his head as he tightens his arms around his daughter as Leah watches on with pure love written all over her face.

'It's still early days. I'm only just over six weeks pregnant but with Le going away to camp we just wanted you to know... Not very many people know; just you, Amanda and our friend Beth but we're so, so happy about it.' Courtney explains as Tom moves to hug Leah.

'I mean- How long have you been thinking about this? I obviously don't know the process but I imagine it's a long one?' Tom asks and Courtney nods her head.

'It's been a long process. We had to go through the whole egg retrieval and we chose to go down the route of using Leah's eggs so that we were both fully involved in the process one way or another so while I'm growing and carrying the baby, biologically it's Leah's egg we used to make the embryo.' Courtney explains.

'Oh wow... That's- Well that's amazing, isn't it?' Tom says taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

'Yeah, it's amazing we can do this. We figured later down the line if we decided we wanted to try again and Leah wanted to carry then we could do the opposite and use my eggs but we'll see how we get on with this one first.' Courtney replies smiling.

'I'm so, so happy for you both.' Tom says smiling. 

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