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note: I'm taking the weekend off updating so this will be the last update until Monday, apologises about that but we've got family over to meet the baby so it's going to be a busy weekend! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

'How you feeling about that then?' Leah asks softly as she watches the brunette fasten her seatbelt and take a deep breath.

'Nervous... It now all suddenly feels real, doesn't it? Knowing that all going well we should be transferring our little embryo in what? Twenty days.' Courtney replies and Leah nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... Why don't we-' Leah begins before shaking her head and fastening her own seatbelt.

'Why don't we what?' Courtney asks causing Leah to sigh.

'I was going to suggest going an buying a little teddy of some sort... We can pick one up for Bunny and then one for our potential future baby but that's a stupid idea. I know it's a stupid idea. I don't know why I was even going to suggest it in the first place.' Leah rambles causing Courtney to smile as she reaches across to rest her hand on the blonde's thigh.

'Honestly? I think it's a lovely idea. A little faith purchase that by this time next year we'll have a baby in our arms.' Courtney replies.

'Yeah? Are you sure? We don't have to if you don't want to.' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'Honestly, I really like the idea that we'll have that little teddy there ready for when our little one gets here.' Courtney replies. Dropping her hand to rest on top of Courtney's, Leah smiles as she glances over at the blonde in the passenger seat.

'Are you scared about another transfer?' Leah asks quietly.

'Fucking terrified, bubs. It'll be worth it though, won't it? When we've got that little baby in our arms, when Bunny is a big sister it'll all be worth it... And just because we're doing another transfer, just because we're trying again doesn't mean we're ever going to forget the little baby that should've been.' Courtney replies and Leah nods her head.

'I think that's part of what scares me so much. The feeling that there's gonna come a day when I don't think about that baby.' Leah almost whispers and Courtney nods her head as she turns her hand and links her fingers through the blonde's.

'That baby is always going to be our baby. We didn't get to hold them and love on them the way we would have liked to but they were our baby and nothing is ever going to change that, Le.' Courtney says.

'I love you.' Leah replies softly.

'I love you too.' Courtney says smiling.


'Can we talk?' Courtney asks softly as she makes her way out into the garden and sits herself down on Leah's lap as Beau runs around in circles.

'Mm... That sounds a bit ominous, love.' Leah replies smiling as her arms instinctively wrap around the brunette's waist.

'It's nothing to worry about really I just- I've been thinking and obviously once we have our baby we're going to be equally responsible, we're going to have equal rights as parents and I just- Well I guess I just want you to have that with Bunny as well.' Courtney says leaning back against the blonde.

'What do you mean, Court?' Leah asks.

'I've thought about it a few times like this isn't the first time I thought about it but maybe, if it's something you're comfortable with I guess, we could look into you legally adopting Bunny? You already do everything for her that I do, you're just as much of a mum to her as I am and I just want to make sure that if god forbid anything happened to me then she could stay with you.' Courtney replies.

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