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She uses one hand to push the pram in front of her as the other drapes around Courtney's shoulders, gently pulling her into her side as they make the walk towards the training pitches where she knows most of the team are out doing their training. At a little under two weeks old, Leah and Courtney both decided it was about time to introduce Tilly to the rest of the Arsenal gang.

'You okay?' Leah asks softly glancing at Courtney, who's arm has snaked around her waist tucking her further into the blonde's side.

'Mm-hmm... I'm just achy but it's because I've not been out much.' Courtney replies smiling. They're about five minutes away from the pitches when the golf-buggy pulls up beside them with Frimmy driving and Steph sitting in the passenger seat.

'Well look who it is... Our newest little gooner!' Frimmy says causing Leah to smile as they stop walking.

'Hey, you two...' Leah replies softly.

'I didn't realise you guys were coming in today.' Steph says as she immediately gets off the vehicle to hug them both and Frimmy copies her actions, the filming of their video being paused for the time being.

'We thought we'd surprise everyone, didn't we? Thought it was about time everyone meet Tilly.' Leah replies.

'Can I peek?' Frimmy asks and Leah nods her head. Unwrapping her arm from around Courtney, Leah leans over to push the pram canopy down slightly allowing them to get a better look at the baby lying sleepily inside.

'Oh my goodness... How tiny is she?' Frimmy says and Leah nods her head, unable to keep the smile off her face.

'I mean, she's much bigger than she actually was when she was born.' Leah replies.

'How are you feeling? You look amazing for someone who gave birth less than two weeks ago?' Steph asks wrapping her arms back around Courtney.

'I certainly don't feel amazing... Nah, I'm okay. It's just been a bit of a rougher recovery than I expected but I am getting there. I'm much better than I was the first few days after.' Courtney replies.

'Oh look who it is!' Another voice says and Leah immediately looks up to see Declan Rice making his way towards them coming away from the pitches.

'I better get you to training before your late...' Frimmy says and Steph nods her head.

'I'll see you there... I won't mention I've saw you guys.' Steph adds causing both Leah and Courtney to smile.

'Thanks, Steph.' Leah replies smiling.

'Oh look, you two have that lovely 'I've not slept in two weeks since having a newborn' look about you. How are you guys?' Declan asks as he finally reaches the pair.

'We're alright, aren't we? Adjusting.' Leah replies smiling and Courtney nods her head.

'She's a little cutie... Very like you, Le.' Declan says and Leah nods her head.

'Mm... So people keep telling me.' Leah replies smiling.

'I told you she's your double, Le.' Courtney says softly.

'How's your other little one adjusting? Bunny isn't it?' Declan asks and Leah nods her head.

'She's been a little dream, hasn't she?' Leah replies causing Courtney to smile.

'Mm-hmm... She's really taken it all in her stride, loves being a big sister.' Courtney says.


'Shh... You'll wake the baby.' Caitlin says softly, her arms clinging onto Katie's shoulders as the Irish woman immediately rushes towards Leah and Courtney with the Aussie on her back.

'Why do I suddenly feel very overwhelmed?' Leah whispers as she watches the group of girls rushing towards them causing Courtney to wrap her arm around her.

'It's okay... Do you want to leave? Pretty sure we could make a run for it, although don't actually know if I can run.' Courtney says causing the blonde to laugh and immediately feel her body begin to relax.

'Hi.' Kaite says stopping in front of them and rather abruptly dropping Caitlin down off her back.

'Hey, you... We thought we'd bring the little one for a visit, finally get a chance to meet everyone.' Leah replies as Caitlin moves to hug Courtney before repeating the actions with Leah.

'We're going to stay until lunchtime so you guys can all have cuddles inside.' Leah explains watching each of her teammates gaze into the pram at the baby.

'Where's Laura?' Leah asks glancing up at Jonas.

'Inside... She's just doing a light training programme due to some discomfort in her hamstring. So is Lotte.' Jonas replies and the blonde nods her head.

'Okay... Well we might head on inside and we'll see you guys all at lunch where you can have a snuggle?' Leah suggests. She watches the girls nod their heads; each of them hugging both her and Courtney before returning to their training session on the pitch, leaving Leah and Courtney to return back into the warmth of the training centre with Tilly.


'I can't get over how perfect she is...' Emily says smiling as she gazes down at the baby in her arms. They're sitting in the canteen having lunch, each of the girls taking a turn to have a cuddle with their newest little member.

'She's like a little doll, isn't she? Makes Freddie look huge when you think back to when Beth brought him in.' Katie adds causing Leah to smile as she sits with her arm draped around Courtney's shoulders.

'Should've seen them side by side in the hospital...' Leah says.

'Did you guys get to see each other in hospital then?' Kyra asks as Leah presses a kiss to Courtney's head.

'Mm-hmm... Beth and Viv got to come to our room the day after they were born. Beth was in a much better condition than I was at the time, I could barely walk and both me and Tilly were still under quite strict observation.' Leah replies.

'It's mad that they were born on the same day, isn't it?' Caitlin says and Leah nods her head.

'Mmm... Couldn't have written it. With Court going into labour we ended up completely forgetting that Beth was even due to get induced that day.' Leah replies.

'How was the birth, Court?' Amanda asks causing Courtney to let out a sigh.

'Oh it was rough... Well the actual labour and stuff was fine but the actual birth was horrendous, I ended up with stitches and then she didn't come out crying. It was just- Yeah, it was horrendous.' Courtney replies shaking her head.

'Oh fuck. That sounds terrifying.' Amanda says and Courtney nods her head.

'It was...' Courtney replies quietly, the feeling of Leah's arm tightening around her causing her to smile.

'I know it's still early days, but would you do it again? Would you have another?' Vic asks.

'I think at the moment our plan is that I'll carry the next one, isn't it?' Leah says and Courtney nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... I don't think it'll be any time soon, I mean Le's career is obviously so important to her and I know how much she loves it. Plus, I think we've got our hands full with Bunny and Tilly.' Courtney replies smiling.

'Making the most of the time we have with our girls while they're still so little before adding another set of feet.' Leah says softly.

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