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Making her way through the doors at SGP, she let's out a small sigh as she takes in the empty lobby. She was supposed to arrive fifteen minutes ago but dragging herself away from both Courtney and Bunny was quite the task. Today is the day they finally leave the UK and begin their journey to the USA.

'There she is...' Alex says smiling as she makes her way out of the elevator and towards the blonde who's pulling her suitcase behind her.

'Sorry I'm late, Alex... Sarina is going to kill me.' Leah replies as Alex immediately wraps her arms around her.

'Don't worry about it. You're not too late, only a few minutes... You alright?' Alex asks and Leah nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... Everyone else in the chill room?' Leah asks and Alex nods her head.

'Can we have a quick chat?' Leah says.

'Course.' Alex replies smiling slightly. They make their way to a quiet area where they can both take a seat.

'What's going on? Is Courtney okay?' Alex asks and Leah nods her head.

'Mm... She's fine. I just- This is gonna be my last international tournament, Alex. I've made the decision to step away from international duty and only play at club level.' Leah says causing Alex to laugh slightly.

'What's so funny?' Leah asks.

'I wanted to have this exact conversation with you as well, Le. I've told Leah that after the world cup I won't be available for selection.' Alex replies.

'No way? I-Wow I don't even know what to say.' Leah says shaking her head.

'Do any of the girls know?' Alex asks.

'The Arsenal girls and then Keira and Georgia.' Leah replies and Alex nods her head.

'The City girls know about my decision but no one else.' Alex says as she reaches out to gently squeeze the blonde's hand.

'Guess we're just gonna need to make this one a good one, aren't we?' Alex says and Leah nods her head.

'Better make sure we go out with a bang, I guess.' Leah replies smiling.


From Court:
On our way! Can't wait to be cheering you on from the stands. Love you. So proud of you ❤❤ xx

To Court:
I love you all so fucking much. We're about to take off. Can't wait to see you xx

Switching her phone onto airplane mode and sliding it into her pocket, Leah smiles as she glances at Keira who is sat next to her on the plane.

'I can't believe this is the last time we're gonna do this together.' Keira says softly and Leah nods her head.

'Mm... I know. Almost like the end of an era, isn't it? Although just means I'm gonna need to bug the life out of you with visits to Barca.' Leah replies causing Keira to laugh.

'You know you're always welcome with me in Barca; Courtney and Bunny as well.' Keira says and Leah smiles as she drops her head to rest on the other woman's shoulder.

'It feels so surreal that after this it's all over for me.' Leah says quietly.

'I almost don't feel ready to be doing this without you full time. Last world cup was hard but I knew you'd be back... I know you're ready and I'm so happy that you've found your happy ever after, Le. I really am, it just also feels weird to think about doing this without you.' Keira admits and Leah nods her head.

'I know. It's a strange feeling. To know that I'm doing the right thing but to question it at the exact same time? It's bizarre.' Leah replies.

'Are Courtney and Bunny coming over for any of the games?' Keira asks.

'Mm... They're flying out today with Beth and Viv; going to spend sometime with Jen and then she's going to come to some games.' Leah replies causing Keira to smile.

'Oh that'll be nice for them both, won't it? Almost making it into a proper little holiday for Bunny.' Keira says and Leah nods her head.

'Mm-hmm... It'll be nice to have them both over her.' Leah replies softly.


'So I know you guys are all tired and you can head up to bed in a few minutes but your captains wanted to have a word with you all as we start on this journey...' Sarina says as she stands in front of her squad after finally reaching their hotel. Taking a deep breath, Leah makes her way up to the front followed closely by Alex.

'I want to firstly start by saying how honoured I am to be here, to be captaining this amazing team again... I didn't want to spend the next however many weeks feeling like I was lying to all of you who don't know but I have let Sarina know that it is my intention to retire from international duties after the World Cup.' Leah says immediately earning gasps from some of the squad who weren't aware of her decision.

'It's not a decision I've made lightly, in fact it's something I've though about for weeks before I even went to Sarina with the idea. Throughout my international career and club career, I've spoke with numerous people who've told me that when I was ready to step back, I'd know. I never really understood that phrase until now. I know that now's the right time. I know that my time wearing this shirt in a professional capacity is over.' Leah continues, Alex's hand reaching out to rest on the blonde's shoulder as Leah feels tears filling her eyes.

'It has been one of the biggest honours of my life captaining this team. From the highs of the Euros to the lows as well, I have cherished every single minute that I've gotten to wear the armband. I've made friends for life on this team throughout the years and I think that's what makes this so hard. I love you guys.' Leah says reaching up to wipe her cheeks. She feels Alex's arm drape around her shoulders as she takes a deep breath and nods her head.

'I think I just want to echo what Leah said. I have also made the extremely difficult decision to step away from international duty when the tournament ends. Like Leah said, playing for this time has been the ultimate honour and something I will cherish for the rest of my life. You girls are all like my family at this point and I want you to know that even when I'm not here, wearing this shirt I will be your biggest cheerleader from the stand.' Alex says. Immediately they're engulfed in a huge group hug by the rest of the squad.


From Courtney:
Just wanted to let you know baby is approximately the size of a cherry now. I can no longer button my jeans so I'm gonna have to do some shopping very, very soon... We love you so much, Le xx

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