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'Hey, love... Woah slow down, Court. Right, what's going on?' Leah asks as she pushing herself into a standing position and holds the phone up to her ear causing everyone else to stop what they're doing and glance over in her direction.

'What do you mean pains? Like the Braxton hicks?' Leah says as she begins to pace back and forth in the changing room as the rest of her teammates can hear the muffled sobs coming from the other end of the line.

'So like proper contractions? You think this is it? Have you phoned the midwife? What has she said?' Leah asks glancing at her watch as Lia copies the blonde's movements and pushing herself into a standing position.

'Right, I can be home in fifteen minutes and we can head up to the hospital. I'll figure out something for Bunny, maybe Holly can pick her up from nursery and have her until mum finishes work... You're not going to the hospital on your own, Court. I'm coming home. Be ready for me, okay? I love you, Court.' Leah says. Ending the call, she lets out a sigh and covers her face with one hand as Lia makes her way over to her.

'What's going on?' Lia asks softly, her hand reaching up to rest on the blonde's shoulder.

'Court thinks she's in labour... She's phoned the midwife and she's to go up and get checked out. I need to go, it's too early. She's only thirty-five weeks, Wally.' Leah replies, tears filling her eyes as Lia nods her head.

'Okay... Breathe, Le. I'll go speak to Jonas, you just grab your stuff and go. I can pick Bunny up from nursery, if I'm still on the approved list and I can have her as long as you need me to.' Lia says.

'Are you sure?' Leah asks and Lia nods her head.

'Positive.' Lia replies.

'Thank you, Wally... Here, I'll give you my house keys and you can get a change of clothes or something for Bunny if you need them. There uh- Feel free to just take her to ours if you want. There will be food and stuff there as well.' Leah says.

'Don't worry. I'll take Beau on a walk as well. Just focus on Courtney and the baby.' Lia replies smiling softly.


'I'm scared.' Courtney whispers, her hand clutching Leah's as she lies in the hospital bed hooked up to all sorts of machines.

'I know, love... The machine doesn't seem to be picking up any contractions though so that's a good thing, isn't it?' Leah says and Courtney nods her head as she glances over at the machine that is producing the quiet sound of their baby's heartbeat causing her to smile slightly.

'Mm... I suppose. I just- It felt so real, it felt so much like last time.' Courtney replies and Leah nods her head.

'I know. It's always better to get checked out, Court.' Leah says softly.

'Where's Bunny? Did you get Holly to pick her up?' Courtney asks and Leah shakes her head.

'No, Wally offered to have her. She's still on the approved list so I gave her my keys because she would've needed to go get clothes and stuff for her... She said she'll walk Beau as well.' Leah replies.

'Jonas was okay with you leaving?' Courtney asks.

'Jonas didn't have a choice. I wasn't staying there when you were at home worrying and being in pain.' Leah replies shaking her head.

'I love you.' Courtney says.

'I love you too.' Leah replies smiling.

'Come here you...' Courtney says softly as she puts her arms out to the blonde who immediately leans forward to wrap her arms around Courtney as much as possible with the bump and machines.

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