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To Leah:
Baby is the size of a lime now. I've not had any more bleeding thankfully and I'm definitely showing now which is insane, feels so much quicker than with Bunny. Also when we get back to London, I really need to go shopping for some new bras because fuck my boobs have grown x

Smiling as she sends the message, Courtney glances over at Beth who's hands are resting flat against her stomach as they each lie on a sun-lounger while Viv keeps Bunny occupied in the pool.

'Are you guys going to find out if you're having a boy or a girl?' Courtney asks causing Beth to smile as her thumb gently rubs circles against her skin.

'Mm... I want to, I really want to find out actually but Viv doesn't so we're just trying to decide on the fairest way to do it.' Beth replies causing Courtney to smile.

'Le and I haven't even broached that conversation yet.' Courtney admits and Beth nods her head.

'Is it weird for you this time round? Obviously this time you've got Le whereas last time you were on your own?' Beth asks and Courtney nods her head.

'It's certainly is different but it's so much better. Obviously things were very different when I was pregnant with Bunny, I was very different but it is nice to have Le there for support when I need it.' Courtney replies smiling.

'I couldn't imagine not doing it with Viv by my side... She's been my rock.' Beth admits and Courtney nods her head.

'Yeah, it's not easy doing it on your own... Have you guys started doing all the shopping yet?' Courtney asks.

'Not quite. We've bought bits and pieces but none of the sort of big bits to be honest. I don't really know where to start.' Beth admits and Courtney smiles.

'Mm... There's so many different things, isn't there? Outwith the pram and nursery furniture my most used thing when she was tiny was a bouncer. Just somewhere I could put her and know she was safe.' Courtney says causing Beth to smile.

'I'll keep that in mind.' Beth replies.


'Hey...' Courtney says softly, a small smile on her face as she watches Leah's face pop up on the screen.

'Hey, you... How are you doing?' Leah asks.

'I'm okay. Crazy to think this time next week you could be playing in the final, isn't it? Looking to win a gold medal?' Courtney says and Leah immediately nods her head.

'The girls deserve it. They've all been working so hard throughout the tournament.' Leah replies causing Courtney to smile.

'So do you, Le. You deserve that gold medal around your neck and I can't wait to watch you win it.' Courtney says softly.

'We've still got a semi-final against Spain to go, love... They're fighting for it so hard because Alexia is retiring.' Leah replies and Courtney nods her head.

'And the girls are fighting for it just as hard because you and Alex are retiring.' Courtney says softly causing the blonde to sigh.

'I just keep saying we didn't come this far to only come this far... Like I feel like as a team we have so much to give.' Leah admits and Courtney nods her head.

'Whatever happens I hope you know that you and the girls have continued to inspire many little people around the country... Including Bunny who's now telling everyone and anyone that she's going to be a footballer just like her Lele when she grows up.' Courtney says causing Leah to smile.

'Yeah?' Leah asks.

'Mm-hmm... Jen asked her if she wanted to be a lawyer like me and she said no, a footballer like you. Even if she doesn't turn out to be a footballer, Le. You've shown her that she can be and that's amazing.' Courtney replies.

'You guys are coming to the game tomorrow, aren't you?' Leah asks and Courtney nods her head.

'Wouldn't miss it for the world.' Courtney replies smiling.


After shaking hands with the match officials, speaking with some of the Spanish players and spending a couple of moments celebrating with her team, she immediately makes a bee-line towards the area where she knows Bunny and Courtney are.

'I'm coming to you. Wait there.' Leah says and Courtney nods her head as she glances at Bunny who is sitting on Viv's shoulders. They watch Leah go back and forth with the steward until he finally relents and they watch her climb the railing. Within seconds she's wrapping her arms around Courtney's waist, her head settling in the crook of the brunette's neck as she takes a deep breath.

'So proud of you.' Courtney says softly as she wraps her arms around the blonde.

'We're going to the final.' Leah replies and Courtney nods her head.

'Mm-hmm.' Courtney mumbles smiling.

'Lele!' Bunny squeals causing Leah to smile as she leans away from Courtney to the little girl.

'Hey, baby girl... Come here.' Leah says smiling. Reaching her arms out, she takes Bunny onto her hip and wraps her other arm back around Courtney.

'Say well done Lele.' Courtney says smiling as Bunny grins and rests her head on Leah's shoulder.

'Well done, Lele!' Bunny replies..

'Thank you my sweet girl... Have you been looking after mummy for me?' Leah asks and Bunny nods her head.

'I bring mummy in her water in the morning!' Bunny replies.

'Oh my goodness, aren't you so clever!' Leah says smiling. Their semi-final had finished 3-2 with Keira scoring the winning goal in the 88th minute sending them through to the final and the stadium absolutely wild.

'Bubs, go celebrate with the girls... We'll see you in a little bit.' Courtney says and Leah nods her head. Kissing both Courtney and Bunny, Leah passes the little girl over to the brunette before greeted her family and returning to the pitch.

'How's Courtney?' Keira asks, her arm wrapping Leah's shoulders as the blonde reaches her side.

'She's good.' Leah replies smiling.

'Ready to go out on a high, skipper?' Georgia asks making her way over to them causing Leah to grin.

'Oh I hope so, G. I hope so.' Leah replies smiling.


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