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note: there may be a little bonus chapter up in a couple of hours purely because it's so short but I wanted it to be a standalone chapter if that makes sense so if I'm still awake in a few hours it will be uploaded, if not there will be an extra tomorrow.

Taking a deep breath, she glances around the stadium which is absolutely packed with people. Ninety minutes is all that stands between the girls becoming world champions and Leah retiring from international duty having won a world cup.

'You okay?' Beth asks softly, her hand resting on Courtney's knee.

'Yeah. No. I don't know... I feel so sick and I can't quite tell if it's usual morning sickness or this nervy feeling I can't shake.' Courtney admits causing the blonde to smile sympathetically at her.

'Probably a combination... Have you spoke to Le today?' Beth asks and Courtney nods her head.

'She's emotional, so emotional.' Courtney replies causing the blonde to smile.

'I thought she would be.' Beth says and Courtney sighs.

'They stand a good chance, don't they? I mean walking away with the win?' Courtney asks and Beth nods her head.

'I don't see why not, Court... It's a strong team. They've been playing really well throughout the tournament.' Beth replies and Courtney nods her head. Glancing over her shoulder, she smiles as she sees Amanda, David, Jacob and Holly sitting a few rows behind them with Bunny sitting happily on David's knee munching on some sweets.

'She's fine... Enjoy the game.' Amanda says and Courtney nods her head. Blowing a kiss to the three-year-old, she smiles as she watches Bunny pretend to catch it before turning her attention back to the pitch.

'Ready?' Beth asks softly as she grabs hold of Courtney's hand and gently squeezes it.

'Ready as I'll ever be, I suppose.' Courtney replies smiling as they watch the teams begin to make their way out onto the pitch. Both captains leading their teams to their positions; Leah giving a quick smile to Steph Catley who leads Australia out for the last time this tournament.

'I love you.' Courtney mouths as the blonde catches her eye from the line-up, the emotions written all over her face. She watches the blonde wink at her before the national anthems begin to play and everyone stands.


'You okay?' A voice asks as she leans heavily on the sink in front of her.

'Mm-hmm...' Courtney mumbles as she glances over her shoulder, a small smile on her face as she spots Tracy Walsh making her way towards her.

'Nerves getting the better of you?' Tracy asks and Courtney groans as she turns to face the older woman. Glancing around the toilet to ensure that it's empty, she shakes her head and rests her hand on her stomach.

'Morning sickness, although that's a huge lie because it actually seems to be all day.' Courtney replies softly causing Tracy to gasp.

'Oh my... Congratulations, sweetheart. How exciting. You and Leah must be so, so chuffed. How far along are you?' Tracy asks hugging the brunette.

'Twelve weeks... We've not told very many people yet.' Courtney replies smiling.

'Oh this is wonderful news... I'm so happy for you both and for little Bunny.' Tracy says causing Courtney to smile.

'Mm... We're so excited. We obviously-Well we had the loss so it's been a long, hard few months to get here.' Courtney admits and Tracy nods her head.

'I can't even imagine.' Tracy says.

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